Ecological Ethics

  • System: An Ecological System is an inter- related and inter – dependent set of organisms and environments, e.g. a lake, in which the fish depend on small aquatic organisms, which in turn live of f decaying plant and fish waste products.
  • Inter- related: Since the various parts of an ecological system are inter-related, the activities of one of its parts (i.e. sub-systems) will affect all the other parts (sub – systems).
  • Role of Business: Business Enterprises are parts of a larger ecological system, Business Firms depend on the natural environment is affected by the commercial activities of business firms. Hence, there is a need to recognize, maintain and preserve the ecological systems within which we live.
  • Ecological Ethics: Ecological Ethics is based on the idea that the environment should be protected not only for the sake of human being s but also for its own sake. This resolve by business enterprises is required in order to counter the problems of pollution and resource depletion.

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