
Some songs just don’t know when to die. We’ve all been to festivals, and sometimes clubs shows, where certain tracks can be heard multiple times. Then, the same songs spread to the radio and become even more overplayed.

The worst part about these songs being beaten to death is that when we first heard them, we loved them. Now, just when you thought you were done hearing “we are fucking animals,” someone will sneak it into a mash up and force you to hear it again.

Knife Party – Internet Friends


When it was first released, Internet friends was an extremely original track that could really hype a crowd. Every electro producer was dropping it in their sets, but they managed to keep it surprisingly fresh, for a few months at least.

Two years later, Internet Friends continues to show up in so many edits, mash-ups, and remixes—including this year’s official VIP—that every time I hear an iPhone ringtone or Siri’s voice, I would drill my ears with earcuffs.

Total Youtube Views: 32 million

Tiesto – Maximal Crazy


Tiesto had fully committed to his new electro style when he brought us Maximal Crazy in 2011.  The definition of a ‘festival banger,” this track became completely inescapable at arenas, amphitheaters and clubs around the world.

Total Youtube Views: 23.5 million

Avicii – Levels


Okay, take a deep breath, this is going to be a long one.  With Levels, Avicii took a fairly simple piano line and turned it into the catchiest, most ridiculously overplayed song in the past decade.  It was so infectious, in fact, that it rapidly crossed over into pop music.

Countless radio stations were spinning it, Flo Rida bandwagon-ed by stealing the hook, and Jay-Z and Kanye were dropping it on their Watch the Throne tour. Then, Skrillex came along and remixed it and that ridiculous Levels-in-reverse track forcing me to listen to it once again.  If I never have to hear that song ever again, it will be too soon.

Total Youtube Plays: 89 million

Baauer – Harlem Shake


Harlem Shake was a pretty solid song when it was first released. It had a few thousand plays on Soundcloud and decent support in the trap community—but then the videos started. The tune was 6 months old at that point, but I’d still get messages from people saying “you have to check this one out, it’s the best!”

Those messages became worse than those “hilarious” chains e-mails that your parents used to send you. The only good thing that came out of the whole situation was the popularity Baauer received, since he is a quality producer that inadvertently got swallowed up in a social media shit storm.

Total Youtube Plays: 65 Million (not counting the thousands of viral videos)

Martin Garrix – Animals


Animals is only 6 months old, but it’s already become one of the most played out songs in EDM history. Regardless of genre, DJs from trance to trap have abused this track’s dancefloor destroying energy so feverishly that most EDM fans have built up a tolerance.

To make matters worse, Martin Garrix is clearly struggling with his sudden stardom. His subsequent releases—especially ‘Wizard’—have been minor alterations to the Animals formula that have only further played out the thundering sub-kick sound.

Total Youtube Plays: 101 million (and growing every day)


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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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