Education and Success – is there a co-relation?


Hey guys this is quite interesting topic. What do you think does correlation exists between them????

Well, take an example of Bill Gates who become the world’s richest man in the world despite dropping out education. We also have the example of Dhirubhai Ambani who has achieved a lot in his life despite dropping education and they are the famous personalities which had brains to think and learn through their practical life. So this shows there is no correlation what a person learns and what he really wants to do in life. But the point is person succeeds in life if he enjoys what he is doing. One can have success in their life without education but education has its own importance in life.

Education brings richness in life. You know how to react, to talk with people as you have taught to do that. One is able to appreciate many facets of life due to the extended knowledge that education provides. Education helps us how we need to work. This is true, but a good education helps you be more successful by giving you information and skills that you can use in your life.

For example, if you do not know how to read, you are going to have a lot of trouble in most jobs because almost every job has some kind of paperwork you need to read or fill out.

Math is important for figuring out your pay and planning a budget so your money will last, and for inventories and sales. The more you know, the more likely you are able to excel at your job instead of just barely making it. Even it Depends on what exactly do you mean by Education.

If Education is just a college degree or a graduation certificate, then I don’t think that Education and Success has any relation. I somewhat agree that, for a person to be successful in a particular field he should have a thorough knowledge and should be able to understand the intricacies involved. This knowledge does not essentially come from a College degree. In this age formal education is too much over-rated.

For a person to be successful he should firstly have a passion for his work. He should have perseverance, hunger for success and an importantly he should be able to constantly innovate himself and his methods of work.

If you check the biography of persons like Steve Jobs, Einstein, MK Gandhi, take any celebrities like Amitabh Bachchan, they all either don’t have a formal education or their education is not related with the field of work they are known for. According to me they all are successful in their fields.

I would say there is no relation or co-relation whatsoever between formal education and Success.

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.