Effect of Ecological Imbalance on atmospheric temperature


Effect of Ecological Imbalance on atmospheric temperature:

Air pollution has adverse effects not only on plants and animals but also on the ecosystem as a whole. One of the most significant effects of air pollution is seen on the rise in global temperature. Higher concentration of CO2 in atmosphere prevents the loss of heat by radiation. The CO2 layer acts like glass panels of the green house. It allows the sunrays to filter through but prevents the heat from radiating out into space. The radiation thus trapped causes rise in temperature. This phenomenon is described as the Green House Effect.

CO2 concentration in the atmosphere has increased in the recent past and it is estimated to increase further in near future. If this happens, the global temperature will also rise.


Consequence of increased temperature. 

  1. Rise in global temperature will cause polar ice caps to melt. As a result, there will be rise in sea level and the low lying coastal areas will be submerged.
  2. This will also affect the drinking water.
  3. The rise in temperature would affect regional climate and cause shift in climatic zones.
  4. There will be appreciable decrease in the rainfall.
  5. It will also cause death of forests and other vegetations.
  6. With the loss of vegetation cover, the soil is exposed. This results in soil erosion, greater heating and evaporation from soil, etc.


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