Effect of Indian Cinema on Youth!


Clearly, Movies are pivotal sources of entertainment and gossip.  Just as clearly, movie stars are the royalty of celebrities. People love to talk about movies, movie stars, even box office receipts of movies. It’s no wonder some have called movies, the literature of modern culture.

So if movies even lead to gossip then it also has positive and negative effects. Movies create a drastic effect on illiterate people than on literate. People start copying heroes and heroines, their style, their way of living and their talks thinking them as their God. Movies which are shown are said to have different concepts but in fact they are same shown in different styles. For example: Kuch kuch hota hai and Mujse dosti karoge have almost the same concept. Movies are spoiling the living style and fashion style. If a fan sees his favorite actor or actress smoking or drinking as a part of them the fan also starts doing it. I put you a question—isn’t it spoiling the youth? Also nowadays movies are more concentrated on lust and songs than on stories and messages.

It is told that “movies show the real picture of society “. Take an example If the villain who rapes a girl as a part of story it doesn’t mean that in our society any man should treat a girl like that. As goddesses are respected even every girl should be respected and treated fairly well as she has the right to live and enjoy her life at every aspect. But at some points due to cinema or movies people take every part or perceive every part in a different way as there are individual differences.

Movies like Chakde, Sarfarosh, 3 idiots give some messages for society for what a society needs to change.. Movies like Jab we met or Jhootha hi sahi are a timepass or for just light entertainment. But movies like Murder, Hisss has no point of positive impact on minds of youth. By seeing that even youth can try for that and regret as India is just a developing country and youth doesn’t have all the knowledge which they should have and if this kind of movies are shown youth shouldn’t get addicted to these type of movies and just take it as a movie not as a personal part. And also the issues of violence shown in Indian Cinema should be properly taken care of, because many youths as well as younger ones are enacting it in their personal life, flims like ‘Dhoom‘ where in they have shown that speed is everything, is causing an serious impression on youth. There can be many social issues other than gay and lesbian relationships which could be tackled in the movies like Dostana and Fire.

So watching movies is alright but as a person take good things in life which will make you better person in life to be known and respected by others and your family members.

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


  1. Hiiii….friends, I am ROHIT according to me movies are just for an entertainment. Movies are just like a COIN as the coin has two faces i.e. HEADS & TAILS. MOVIES are also two faces i.e. POSITIVE & NEGATIVE. The movie SAIRAT people inspired by it & many COUPLES are ran away from home and got married, the movies like DHOOM FAST & FURIOUS the youngster are think that the SPEED is everything & they drive their vehicles Don’t care about others these are NEGATIVE IMPACTS. The movie NEERJA a brave girl saves the life of many peoples.The movmovie M.S.DHONI inspired everyone, DHONI comes from a poor family & achieve the success in his life,the SOUTH AFRICAN RUNNER CASTER SEMENYA she tells that she watch this movie & inspired her.In this way, it’s depends on us what we get from this movies it’s all depends upon our THINKING & MENTALITY…..thank you.

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