Super Effective Tips To Help You Battle Travel Sickness



Travel can have different meanings for different people. For some, it means providing a sense of thrill or adventure and for others, it may just mean a medium of escape from the hectic world to just chill and relax. It all depends on a person’s perspective.

However, a change in surrounding is necessary for everyone’s physical and mental health and travel provides that. It acts as a stress buster pill and hence it comes into the limelight. But what happens when our vacations are ruined by health issues? No one likes to spoil a holiday by falling ill. But by keeping in mind some effective pointers, can help you avoid travel sickness.

First and foremost thing to do is to get you some air and space. Shift to a comfortable seat with enough space for you to stretch a bit during the travel like the front seat of a car and pushing your seat behind or by not keeping any of your luggage by the ground area of the vehicle.

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Also, you can open the widows to get some fresh air or if you are in an air conditioned vehicle like a flight, then just take deep breaths in between or meditate, if you like. Whatever you do, just remember to breathe.

Travel anxiety is psychological in most cases. Like they say, “It’s all in the mind”. Hence, you need to keep your mind calm and relaxed as much as you can. Looking out of the window and enjoying the scenery, writing, singing, watching a movie, reading a book  can be a few ways to do so but if you feel dizzy doing any work while in motion, then the best thing to do is just to close your eyes and listen to some music that soothes you.

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Try avoiding penetration of any negative thoughts and keep your mind distracted from the travel anxiety. Eating or smelling some pleasant natural flavors can also help as they divert our senses and overshadow the travel sickness.

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Always have a pack of breath mints, ginger or lemon with you while travelling and keep inhaling it when you feel dizzy. Try avoiding any strong perfumes as they overpower the natural subtle fragrances and hence make you even dizzier.

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The only rule when travelling is to not stress you out as the true essence of going on vacation is to relax our minds. Keeping such a mindset, everyone can have a rocking vacation!

– Anwesha Rath

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Poonam Gandhi


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