Eid Mubarak!


Do you know what is the meaning of EID ?

Eid is the combination of 3 meaningful words

E – Embrace with open heart

I – Inspire with impressive attitude

D – Distribute pleasure to all

~Eid Mubarak~

Bakra Eid which is also known as “Eid ul Adha” or “Eid ul azha” or “Festival of Sacrifice” or “Kurban Bayrami” or “Sacrifice Feast” or “Hari Raya Haji” or “Tabaski” is a Muslim Festival celebrated throughout the world in India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Malaysia, Bangladesh, South East Asia.

Story – The festival of Eid- ul – Adha is celebrated in the remembrance of prophet Abraham’s readiness to sacrifice Ishmael, his son for God. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, in a dream. Abraham along with his son started moving towards Mina for the sacrifice. Some of the demons tried to direct Abraham away from his way but Abraham was true to God and as he was just set to kill his son, God stopped him and gave him a sheep to sacrifice instead of sacrificing his son.

Thus, Goat (bakra) is sacrificed and distributed among the relatives, friends and poor people. Hence, the festival shows the Individual’s assurance and faith in Allah.

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