Ek Soch: Most convenient and cheap solutions to avoid using Plastics!


With the ‘Ek Soch’ columns ‘www.bms.co.in’ brings to you one tiny thought for today which will help you make a difference. It isn’t a class on moral values, or a Business Ethics lecture. It is just one very tiny and interesting thought that will be very simple to imbibe and help your conscience on a huge level.

The latest fad these days is to turn into a ‘Plasticarian’. A ‘Plasticarian’ is a person who does not use plastic as simple as that! Switching off from plastics completely is very difficult, especially in a world where we are surrounded by plastics.

Your basic household usage of plastics is on an exceptionally high, from your tooth brushes, paste tubes, toiletries containers, Tiffin boxes, water bottles and so much more. We all know that using plastics harms the environment. I spoke about the top 10 reasons that harm the environment in my last post (have a look if you didn’t) .

Those 10 reasons would have gotten you thinking, but finding out alternatives to plastic isn’t easy. Today I go a step further and give you 4 very easy to utilize alternatives to plastic. These materials can work wonders for you, in helping you kick off the, dependence on plastic.

1. Cloth

Cloth bags
Cloth bag


2. Paper

Paper Bag
Paper Bag

3. Glass

Glass Vessels
Glass Vessels

4. Stainless steel

Stainless steel tiffin
Stainless steel tiffin

These four materials, can replace plastics in a way that saves the environment and isn’t too much of a burden on your pocket either. Using cloth bags, reduces the number of plastic bags drastically. Every grocery shopping trip ensures 8-10 small plastic bags. These can be stopped by a cloth bag and in case you need the purchases to be segregated use small paper bags, inside your cloth bags.

Paper bags for storing small and light weight articles is a good solution. Glass can be used to replace your bottles and plastic utensils, they are microwaveable too! Handel the glass utensils with care, to save them from breaking and glass lasts much longer than plastic.

In case you have kids and glass can’t be used try switching to stainless steel.  Stainless steel Tiffin boxes, water bottles, storage vessels, all are a good substitute to plastic. You cannot delete plastic completely from your life, but even at a small level if you consciously do your bit, it definitely will work wonders in your attempt to save the planet!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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