Ek Soch: Save Water!


With the ‘Ek Soch’ columns ‘www.bms.co.in’ brings to you one tiny thought for today which will help you make a difference. It isn’t a class on moral values, or a Business Ethics lecture. It is just one very tiny and interesting thought that will be very simple to imbibe and help your conscience on a huge level.


Today we have for you amazing ways in which Indians waste water. Now, not all Indian’s have that much water to waste! In the inner parts of your huge cities you have clusters where water timings are limited, towns where 24 hours running water is the sign of being super-wealthy and villages where even if you have that sort of money you can’t have water without walking miles up to the local well.

Does that make any difference? Not to those who just have to flip the knob and there is water gushing out!

  1. I need a Cleopatra style hour long shower, after all how can the neighbour’s daughter look fairer than me!
  2. We need to fill the pool to have a pool party every Sunday, even if it’s winter and no one is actually going to get inside the water.
  3. Of course, I brush with the tap running; I need the sound of water to wake me up.
  4. Yeah the pipes since a month are leaking so what, I forgot to call the plumber, am just a human after all.
  5. I filled up those buckets yesterday, you expect me to use them for a bath today? The water was kept overnight; my poor delicate skin will have such a problem!

Funny but true, these are among the top 5 reasons that Indian’s give for wasting water. But I hope you remember that, potable water, or drinking water is only 2.5% of the world’s total water resources. Ask your little brother in nursery about the uses of water and he will gladly repeat the many uses he learnt in school. We all need to get back to those days and remember that our needs for water exceed far above what the supplies are available even today, how do we plan to survive in a future without any water left!


Give it a thought, every drop counts!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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