Ek Soch: The Big Switch Over to Renewable energy continues!



In my last ‘Ek Soch’ post- the big switch over to renewable energy (), I spoke about what exactly is renewable energy and why do we need to switch over top it, instead of using fossil fuels. Today I bring to you some interesting facts about how can you start incorporating the use age of renewable energy into your daily life and make a small change to help the planet.

With the increase in population, the burden on fossil fuels is increasing by the second and these fossil fuels being limited in number can shoulder our needs only up to a certain extent, so the solution is Renewable energy resources. These resources such as solar energy, wind energy or hydro-power plants are the answers to questions raised regarding the reduction in burden over the Non-Renewable energy resources.

Out of the many alternate energy options available the one closest to citizens is of solar energy where you can actually make a difference. An example of switching over to An Alternate yet Planet-friendly source of energy is the solar powered micro grid, launched by Greenpeace in Dharnai. This ambitious solar powered micro-grid is being installed to showcase that the real solution for rural electrification lies in decentralized renewable energy.

You can switch over too; increasingly citizens across cities like Mumbai, Delhi and Ahmadabad that have ample amount of sunlight have started installing solar panels that help them save the burden on thermal energy and reduce their electricity bills as well.

As normal citizens we can’t go about building up hydro-electric power stations but we surely can support and suggest for such notions to the government. It sounds like a long shot but if big organizations like our most loved ‘Facebook’ can switch over to alternate energy we can definitely give it a try. Greenpeace International has ended a long-running campaign calling on Facebook to “unfriend coal” as a source of energy for its data centers, after Facebook agreed to promote clean and renewable energy.

News stated that Facebook will start constructing its first data centre outside the United States, close to the Arctic Circle, in Luleå, Sweden. By locating the data centre in Luleå, it can use free cooling from the frigid local climate and be close to renewable hydropower in the region, reducing or rather eliminating the use age of coal completely.

It’s not that difficult and if they can we are sure you can too!

Tips to help you switch over:

  • Installing solar-powered outdoor pathway lights is one of the easiest ways to use solar energy at home.
  • Building a new home is the best time to design and orient the home to take advantage of the sun’s rays. A well-oriented home lets in the winter sun in south-facing windows to reduce heating bills, and blocks the heat from summer sun to reduce cooling bills.
  • Heating water is a great use of solar power. If you have a swimming pool or hot tub, you can use solar power to cut pool heating costs. Most solar pool heating systems are cost competitive with conventional systems and have very low operating costs. It’s actually the most cost-effective use of solar energy.


  • If you’ve already made your home as energy efficient as possible, and you still have high electricity bills and have access to a good solar resource, you might want to consider generating your own electricity with a solar power system. Solar panels can be easily installed onto ground- or roof-mounted racks, and new products are available that integrate solar cells with the roof, making them much less visible than older systems.
  • You should consider several factors if you want to install a solar power system, such as your solar resources, sitting and sizing the system, the type of system (grid-connected or stand-alone), and electrical safety. Because of the complexity and need for proper installation, it’s best to have a professional solar contractor install your system.

(You can visit ‘Green Peace’ at http://www.greenpeace.org/india/en/ to know all about the activities they are initiating to promote use age of renewable sources of energy.)

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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