Election Commission v/s Mamata Banerjee : Dispute On Transfer Of Officials



Mamata Banerjee has refused to accept the orders of  the Election Commission for transferring and naming new officers without consulting the state government in her West Bengal state as the state begins polling from 17th April in 5 phases. 5 Police Superintendents, 1 district magistrate and 2 additional district magistrates are among the officials to be transferred.

For which the Election Commission has said that it might cancel the Lok Sabha elections in West Bengal if the state government doesn’t transfer the officials.

EC said the officials should be transferred to “non-election related and non-field” posts by Tuesday in its letter to the state chief secretary.

However, Mamata Banerjee has challenged the Election Commission saying, “I will not remove a single officer. Let the EC come and arrest me. I throw this challenge to the EC. I will put in my resignation… I want to see how the EC takes charge of the state’s law and order. I will not be responsible if Jangalmahal is on fire again. How can they transfer so many officers without consulting the state government.”



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