Remember the Shock laga laga… Shock laga advertisement rolling out in between our TV shows? The same activity is a reality now. A wristband named ‘Pavlok’ will give you shocks to develop good habits. That means every time you bend towards doing something against the goals you have set, Shock lagega!!
A painful motivational technique used in this device, this wristband is designed to shock the user if they don’t meet the goals that they set out to do. The Pavlok is a ‘habit-forming’ wearable band which will literally shock you into exercising, waking up on time and what not by administering mild electric jolts to your wrist area when needed.
The device was created by Maneesh Sethi, and for those who are not familiar with him, he is a blogger who back in 2012, hired a girl to slap him whenever he opens Facebook instead of focusing on being productive. The Pavlok wristband will be embedded with sensors to detect whether users are following the routine they’ve set for themselves and it will incorporate certain social aspects. The Pavlok administers electric shocks that set off triggers to change users’ brains and in turn, their habits. The wristband might cost around $250. The name of the device again is very much weird. To Indians, after reading the name of this wearable; words like Parlok, Indralok and Swarglok form the Indian mythology may cross their minds. Funny!
–Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â By Anand Thakkar