Eligibility Criteria For Appearing In BMS Joint Admission Test (JAT) Of Delhi University


Are you planning to appear for DU BMS JAT exam? Find here the DU BMS Joint Admission Test eligibility criteria before you begin your preparations.

  1. Students should have passed or appeared in March or April in XII or Senior Secondary School Examination or CBSE or any other exam which is considered equivalent by the Delhi University.
  2. For General category, students should have secured an aggregate of atleast 60% marks in his/her XII Class examination in 4 papers including English, Mathematics and other 2 subjects from the list of elective subjects as approved by University of Delhi.
  3. For reserved category, students should have secured minimum 54% for OBC, 55% for PwD, 55% for CW and for SC & ST it is pass marks in qualifying examination.
  4. Students should have obtained pass marks in each of the 4 papers considered for computing the aggregate.
  5. Students must produce the confirmed result and marksheet of the qualifying examination on the day of Group Discussion and Personal Interview to be eligible for the process of admission to BMS course. If students don’t have the confirmed marksheet then they will not be entertained under any circumstances.
  6. Category certificate (OBC – non creamy layer / SC/ ST/ PwD/CW), in the name of the student, must be produced on the day of the interview and group discussion.
  7. Compartment cases of current year will not be considered for admission.
  8. If the student has appeared in the Class XII examination in the current year and who repeat a paper for improvement to gain eligibility shall not be considered for admission in the current year.
  9. If you are a foreign student who is seeking admission to BMS against the prescribed quota of seats embarked, then you can apply through the Foreign Students Advisor as per the Delhi University rules.

du bms jat

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