Emerging Trends in Retailing


In recent years the nature of retailing has changed dramatically, as firms try to protect their positions in the market place. Many customers are no longer willing to spend as much time on shopping as they once did. Some sectors of retailing have become saturated, several retailers are operating under high levels of debt and number of retailers after running frequent “sales”, have found it difficult to maintain regular prices. Retailers are adapting to*the shopping needs and time constraints of working women, dual earner households and the increased customer interest in quality and customer service:

Shopping Malls: A growing number of shopping malls are coming up all over the country. In north India; there seems to be a proliferation of such malls surrounding Delhi, in places like Gurgaon and Noida. In general they target higher income customers, with their prestigious speciality shops, restaurants and department stores.

Factory Outlets: Manufacturers are opening factory outlets to sell off surplus inventories and outdated merchandise. This forward vertical integration gives manufacturers greater control’ over distribution, than selling the merchandise to off price retailers. Mohini knitwear of Ludhiana (Punjab) and number of woolen and hosiery manufacturers set up their outlets in Delhi during winters.

Diversification of Offerings: Scrambled (unrelated products or services) merchandising is taking on a broader meaning and inter type competition among retailers is growing. For instance Citibank is organizing tourist trips and sending mail order catalogues to its credit card customers.

Impact of Technology on Shopping Behavior:The way retailers present their merchandise and conduct their transactions are changing. Cable TV Channels are used to present merchandise, Videos have replaced catalogues and computer linkages to acquire information and make purchases are on the increase. Virtual shopping through PDA’s is another possibility.

Multi Channel Retailing: Traditional store based and catalogue retailers are placing more emphasis on their electronic channels and evolving into multi channel retailers, because they can reach new markets and overcome limitations posed by traditional formats

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