Enchanting Festivals from Kerela!



Before we learn about the festivals  of the land of houseboats and backwaters lets understand its features to get a better view –

ü     Kerala  is also known as “God own country”.

ü     It is the 12th largest state by population with 14 districts.

ü     Internationals ranked it as the least corrupt state in the      country.

ü     The state has hightest exposure in India with newspaper publishing in 9 different languages .

ü     Kerala was selected “State of states” in 2013.

Now discussing the festivals –


This annual festival is celebrated in AttukalBhagavathy Temple. A million women participate  to prepare Pongala made of rice cooked with jiggery , ghee , coconut and other ingerdients in small pots to please Goddess Kannaki.

2. Vishu–

This festival is somewhat similar to Diwali. It is a festival of lights & fireworks an important event is practiced as- “the first thing you see when you wake up on vishu” . An arrangement is prepared a day before Vishu of – rice , fruits , veggies , betel leaves ,metal mirror & yellow flowers called Konna.

3. Easter –

Easter is celebrated as the religious holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. As in  Dussera we exchange “sonapata”, people in Kerala exchange Easter  eggs . It is a custom practiced by Christians . These eggs are symbol of rebirth.Today also children hunt down coloured eggs & place them in Easter baskets.

4. ONAM –

This festival falls in the month of Chingam(Aug- Sept) and marks the homecoming of mythical King Mahabali. It is a 10 day festival & also known as the Harvest festival.it is celebrated all over the state . The 10th day of the festival is flagged by Royal Parade  inThripunithara.


Mahanavami is a nine day festival in short it is Navratri .It is celebrated in the months of sept – oct.It is believed that pooja done on the last day of this festival is equivalent to pooja done on all 9 days. In some places animal sacrifice is also practiced.

Festivals always bring happiness and joy to one’s life. But Excuse me, any festival in any part of the world is just another way of shopping for the feminine population. They are the one who enjoy every piece of it.


 – Khushboo Chauhan.

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