Endorsement Branding




Endorsement branding strategy is a modified version of double branding. It makes the product brand name more significant and corporate brand name is relegated to a lesser status. The umbrella brand is made to play an indirect role of passing on certain common generic associations. It is only mentioned as an endorsement to the product brand.  By and large, the brand seeks to stand on its own.


The brand gets the endorsement that it belongs to specified company; e.g. Kit Kat gives the signal that it belongs to Nestle and Diary Milk conveys that it belongs to Cadburys. Cinthol’s communication stresses that it is a Godrej product. Though these brands enjoy their unique image, somewhere in the image the makers association is also a part. Endorsement branding strikes a balance between umbrella and product branding.


In case of Cadbury’s and Nestle, the brands mentioned above have their own unique position and image. Cadbury’s or Nestle support the brands to the extent that they transfer certain qualities or associations which enhance customer’s trust. Brands are identified by their own name.


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