Enough Is Enough : What You Ought To Know To Stop Domestic Violence


stop domestic violence

A woman is an ocean of Love and beautiful feelings. She is ill-treated, hurt, abused but she bears it everything silently without any complaints. Does that mean one can only test her Patience and keep on committing all possible crime against her? A woman is not only hurt by the world but also by her own family. The crime that the family commits against Women is called Domestic Violence.

  How can one hurt women so brutally through Domestic Violence? Would you do this to your own Mother, Sister and Daughter? Then how is that we become so heartless by hurting our Daughter-in-Law and Wives? Aren’t they to somebody’s Daughter and Sister? Domestic violence is a crime committed by the family to the Women of their house.

Domestic is violence which a Husband does to his Wife. The In-Laws do to their Daughter in Law and at times the father does to his own Daughter. Domestic violence is done in many ways and one of the major ways is through Dowry. The in Laws along with the Husband of the Woman torture her for Money which is hidden in the name of Gift. All such families should question themselves, the parents give their heart to them with total belief then how is that they treat her so inhumanly. Under dowry there is another Domestic Violence committed and that is of Bride Burning, which is done as a punishment to the women for not meeting their demands of dowry.

This doesn’t end here, a Women is tested for Virginity before Marriage which tears up a soul totally and is also a kind of domestic violence done to her. A husband beats his wife after getting drunk or even simply just to prove his Male Domination.

Honour killing, this is most common in Villages. A woman is killed just because she gets married or falls in love outside the family. Is it a crime to fall in Love? Do we all see caste and Religion before one falls in Love? Love is never a choice it just happens. How can a family just kill their own daughter whom they have brought in to the world with so much Love? Doesn’t their own Heart dies when they kill their own Child?

Domestic violence is not only limited to Women but it is done to Men too. But a Man’s voice in case of Domestic violence is left always unheard. Why is Crime against Men never taken seriously? It is not necessary that always Women are Victim but Men can too be the Victim.

How can we Stop Domestic Violence? The most important and the best way are by voicing your experiences and opinions. As the person who does Domestic violence is not the only person who commits the crimes but the one who keeps bearing it without retaliating also commits a crime. There are many associations and organisations that help one who goes through Domestic Violence and at the same time the law against Domestic Violence has become Stringent.

So the most important thing for everyone who suffers Domestic Violence is to voice out. Fight for Justice and you will surely be heard. So no more bearing Domestic Violence, Get up and fight for yourself. If you fight, you will surely get what is Right.

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