Enter The Amazing World Of Sound Design



When we see a world different then the reality of it trying only to tell a story a film is created. The way you create it depwnds upon the feel of reality and the budget you have in my last article I had discussed about the age old debate on film v/s digital mentioned in the links below. Today i want to take you through another dimension of the world of movies that is called sound. Have you ever imagined how would 3 idiots scene be without the songs in background? Or for the matter of fact any movie. The key to this ingredient to any good movie is its sound. Untill it doesnt sound good it just doesnt sound right. Famous sound designer Randy Thom has said that there are many elements to sound designing the most important  of then all is silence. If you can exploit silence in cinema for your audience to fill you will become one of the masters.


For all the new sound engineers out there here are some tips and tricks on how to improve your sound engineering work.


1) Dont depend on technology.

If you depend on technology and not skills and experience you would be a fool in this industry as it i not about being correct on screen it should always sound right.. To know whether it sounds rights no technology in the world can help only your ears can do the job so tune your ears before you tune your mix.


2) Feel the emotion use the music.

If you design a certain kind of sound which is meant for a sad mood and play it on a happy mood it would sound like a duck quacking in between a concert. Choose your sounds well even if you maintain the feel it should be felt through out orelse your audience will feel the jerk.


3) Cater to the demnd of the scene not your mind

If you have a certain confusion so as too how should I create something where I haven’t even been best answer ask the director what a scene is demanding then ask what period is the film from and then see and thing of the sounds u see I.e for example a car whizzing by some people clapping hustle bustle. What you think of the scene would be way different id you miss out any of the above steps creating trouble in directoes vision.


4) The voice of a person is more important then sound.

Sound designers main enemy of sorts is background noises while recording the dialogues. On scene designers face alot of trouble is movie shot in sync sound. Here every sound is spontaneous norhing is prepared. This is only viable for professional sound engineers and designers. Even they at thier caliber face alot of trouble from elements of nature according to the loctaion. In these condition a minimum background music is required to orate the dialoues proerly.


5) Have fun

If you are working in the field of sound having fun is most important it brings new challenges everyday. Its like adventure and work combined togther and your sound trying to make a mar. With so many different styles an artist making a mark is a bit of pressure but if you have fun half your work is done.

– Aditya Chavan

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