Entrepreneurship Management Important Question Bank 21014 – Quest Tutorials


CH 1:

1.  Meaning & Definition of entrepreneur

2.  Characteristics of Ideal Entrepreneur

3.  Qualities of an Entrepreneur

4.  Definition of Entrepreneurship

5.  Nature & Characteristics of Entrepreneurship

6.  Definition & meaning Intrapreneur

7.  Characteristics of an Intrapreneur

8.  Distinguish between Entrepreneurial culture and administrative culture

9.  Comparaison of Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs, & traditional Managers

CH 2:

1.  Classification of Entrepreneurs

2.  Definition and Importance of Women Entrepreneurs

3.  Functions and role of Women Entrepreneurs

4.  Features of Women Entrepreneurs

5.  Problems faced by Women Entrepreneurs

CH 3:

1.  Theories of Entrepreneurship

2.  Schumpeter‟s Views on Entrepreneurship

3.  Peter Drucker‟s Views on Entrepreneurship

4.  Max Weber‟s Views on Entrepreneurship

5.  Mc Clelland‟s Views on Entrepreneurship

CH 4:

1.  Maslow‟s Need Hierarchy Theory

2.  McClelland‟s Acquired Needs Theory


CH 5:

1.  Importance and Objectives of Training

2.  Methods of Training

3.  Entrepreneurial Development Programme (EDP)

4.  Strategy for Entrepreneurship Development

5.  Need, importance and Short Comings of EDP

CH 6:

1.  Ancillarisation

2.  Franchising

3.  Outsourcing

4.  Mergers

5.  Takeovers/Acquisitions

CH 7:

1.  Social Entrepreneur

2.  Definitions of Social Responsibility

3.  Social Responsibility of Business

4.  Non – Governmental Organization

CH 8:

1.  Business Environment

2.  Macro Environment

3.  Environmental Scanning


CH 9:

1.  Project Ideas

2.  Classification of Industries

3.  Business Plan

4.  Steps In Preparing A Business Plan

CH 10:

1.  Problems Faced By Entrepreneur in Project Formulation

2.  Stages of Project Formulation

3.  Project Report

CH 11:

1.  Various Aspects of Project Appraisal

2.  Project Appraisal Methods

3.  Break – Even Analysis

CH 12:

1.  Evolution of the Definition of Small-Scale, Ancillary, and Tiny Sector

2.  Concept and Definition of SSI

3.  Cottage Industries v/s Small-Scale Industries

4.  Ancillary v/s Small-Scale Industry

5.  Small-Scale Units v/s Large Scale Units

6.  Relationship between Small & Large Units

7.  Characteristics of SMALL-SCALE INDUSTRIES

8.  Objectives of Small-Scale Industries

9.  Concessions to SSI

CH 13:

1.  Industrial Policy Framework

2.  Small Enterprise Policy 1991

3.  Regulations Governing SMEs

CH 14:

1.  Definition

2.  Need and Importance

3.  Principles of Organisation

4.  Nature/Characteristics of Organisation

5.  Factors To Be Considered In Selecting A Suitable Form of Organisation

6.  Forms of Organisation

7.  Types of Co-Operatives

8.  Joint Stock Company and Partnership Firm

9.  Joint Stock Company and Cooperative Society

CH 15:

1.  Getting 3M‟s Right

2.  Project Report

CH 16:

1. Capital Requirement

2. Factors Governing Capital Structure

3. Features a Fixed Capital

4. Factors Determining Fixed Capital Requirement

5. Factors Determining Working Capital Requirement

6. Importance of Working Capital

7. Sources of Working Capital

8. Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI)

9. Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI)

10. Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI)

11. Maharashtra State Financial Corporation (MSFC)

12. State Industrial and Investment Corporation of Maharashtra Limited (SITCOM)

13. Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)

14. Venture Capital Financing

CH 17:

1.  Tax Benefits Under the Income Tax Act

CH 18:

1.  Functions of Marketing

2.  Traditional v/s Modern Marketing Concept


4.  Basis of Market Segmentations

5.  Marketing Research

6.  Areas of Marketing Research

7.  Methods of Marketing

8.  National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)

CH 19:

1.  International Exposure to MSME Products

2.  Export Procedure

3.  Export Marketing Assistance to SSI

4.  Export Incentives to SMEs

5.  Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC)

6.  Quality Control

 CH 20:

1.  Problems of Small and Medium Enterprises

2.  Analysis of the Problems of SMEs in India

3.  MEASURES for the development of SMEs

4.  Causes for Sickness/Incipient Sickness in SSI

5.  Measures to prevent industrial sickness

6.  Working group of rehabilitation of sick units

7.  Warning signals of industrial sickness

8.  Turnaround


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