Unit I
- Concept, meaning and definition of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship. Importance and significance of growth of entrepreneurial activity. Characteristics and qualities of entrepreneurs
- Classification and types of entrepreneurs. Women entrepreneurs
- Theories of entrepreneurship
- Contribution of Ms. Clelland and Joseph Schumpeter
Unit II
- Factors influencing entrepreneurial development and motivation. Role of culture in entrepreneurial development.
- Entrepreneurial development programme (EDP), Managing the problems faced by entrepreneurs Development of women entrepreneurs-with reference to SHGs
- Options available to entrepreneurs, ancillarisation franchising and outsourcing. Cases on takeover, mergers and acquisitions in India and at global level.
- Social Entrepreneurship-Definition, importance and social responsibilities NGOs
Unit III : Entrepreneurial Project Development
- Idea generation – sources and methods Identification and classification of ideas. Environmental Scanning and SWOT analysis Preparation of project plan – points to be considered
- Components of an ideal business plan – market plan, financial plans, operational plan, and HR plan. Project formulation – project report significance and contents
- Project appraisal – Aspects and methods:
(a) Economic oriented appraisal
(b) Financial appraisal
(c) Market oriented appraisal Technological feasibility Managerial competency
Unit IV : Small and Medium Enterprises:
- Meaning and definition (evolution) Role and importance
- Policies governing SMEs Organizational structure Steps in setting up a small unit
- SME funding. Requirements of capital (fixed and working), Factors determining capital requirements, Importance of fixed and working capital, Working capital management, Sources of finance for SME’S. Taxation benefits
- SIDBI and SISI – Their role in the development of SMEs. Taxation benefits SIDBI and SISI – Their role in the development of SMEs
- Marketing mechanism in SMEs Problems of SMEs and prospects Turnaround strategies for SMEs
Recommended books :
- Small scale industries and entrepreneurship, Dr. Vasant Desai, Himalayan Publishing House
- Management of small scale industries, Dr. Vasant Desai, Himalayan Publishing House
- Management of small scale industries, J.C. Saboo Megha Biyani, Himalayan Publishing House
- Dynamics of entrepreneurial development and Management, Dr. Vasant Desai, Himalayan Publishing
- Entrepreneurship development, Moharanas and Dash C.R., RBSA Publishing, Jaipure
- Beyond entrepreneurship, Collins and Lazier W, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1992
- Entrepreneurship, Hisrich Peters Sphephard, Tata McGraw Hill
- Fundamentals of entrepreneurship, S.K. Mohanty, Prentice Hall of India
- A Guide to Entrepreneurship, David Oates, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai, Edn 2009