Entrepreneurship Question Bank


Question 3

The following is the list of questions appeared in the past University Papers:-


1) Risk taking

2) Change in lifestyle

3) Disruption

4) Peer support in the development of entrepreneurship

5) Social entrepreneurship

6) Copreneurship

7) Psychic risk

8 ) Creativity

9) Innovation v/s invention

10) Role of an icon

11) Market niche

12) Project evaluation

13) Cottage industry

14) Customization

15) Acquisition

16) Franchising

17) Infrastructure facilities

18 ) Marketing feasibility

19) Leadership qualities

20) Proactive personality

21) Managerial competence

Short notes:-

1) Entrepreneurial mobility

2) Brainstorming

3) Small scale industries

4) Techno-economic analysis / feasibility study

5) Rural entrepreneur

6) Industrial estates

7) Outsourcing

8 ) Working capital management

9) Venture capital

10) Industrial sickness

11) Industrial fairs

12) IPR

10 mks:-

1) Characteristics and importance of entrepreneur

2) Types of entrepreneurs

3) Diff b/w entrepreneur, intrapreneur and traditional manager

4) Reasons for growth and failure of entrepreneurship

5) Contribution of joseph Schumpeter and david mcclelland

6) Theories of entrepreneurship

7) Kakinada experiment and achievement motivation

8 ) Factors of motivation for entrepreneurs

9) Importance and steps of innovation

10) Development of entrepreneurs

11) Diff b/w entrepreneurial and administrative culture

12) Status, problems and strategies – women entrepreneurs

13) Essentials of a good business plan and process of decision making

14) SWOT and environmental scanning

15) As an entrepreneur and client – construct a business plan

16) Ancillarization

17) Functions, importance and growth of service sector

18 ) Oppurtunities in service sector

19) Forms of ownership

20) Institutions of EDP

21) Sources of finance

22) Social responsibilities of business

23) Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs with example

24) Contents of project report

25) Methodology of a site location

Chapterwise Questions :-

Chp.1. Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship
1) Risk taking
2) Intrapreneur or intrapreneurship
3) Entrepreneur or entrepreneurship
4) Dist b/w entrepreneur and intrapreneur
5) Change in lifestyle
6) Disruption
7) Peer support in development of entrepreneurship
8 ) Social entrepreneurship
9) Copreneurship
10) Psychic risk

1) “ Entrepreneurship is the process of creating wealth.” Explain
2) What is the importance of entrepreneurship in a developing country like india?
3) “entrepreneurs are agents of change”. How do entrepreneurs bring about such a change?
4) What is entrepreneurship? Discuss the various types of entrepreneurs?
5) Compare and contract entrepreneur, intrapreneur and traditional manager.

1) Managers and entrepreneurs
Chp. 2. Theories of entrepreneurship
1) Evaluate the contribution of joseph Schumpeter and david mcclelland with regard to entrepreneurship.
2) Mention the basic theories of entrepreneurship. Discuss any 2 theories with relevant examples.
Chp. 3. Entrepreneurial motivation
1) Write an explanatory note on entrepreneurship development programmes with special reference to the “Kakinada experiment” and on achievement motivation.
2) Explain the factors which motivate people to become entrepreneurs.
1) Rewards and motivation of an entrepreneur.

1) Entrepreneurial motivation
Chp. 4. Innovation and entrepreneurship
1) Creativity
2) Innovation v/s invention
3) Elements in the process of innovation
4) Role of an icon
5) Brainstorming
6) Market niche
7) Innovation
8 ) Idea generation

1) What is innovation? Why is it important in entrepreneurship? Describe a few ways to promote innovatiness in an organization.
2) “developing countries need imitative, humbler entrepreneurship rather than innovative entrepreneurship.” Do you agree? Give reasons.
1) Innovation
2) Idea generation

Chp. 5. Entrepreneurial development in india
1) Explain entrepreneurs and managerns.
2) “entrepreneurs are made or born.”? Give your views. Narrate the outline for developing an entrepreneur.
3) Define entrepreneurial culture and differentiate it from administrative culture.

1) Role of culture in development of entrepreneurship
2) Entrepreneurial mobility

Chp. 6. Classification and types of entrepreneurs
1) Give an account of the emergence of entrepreneurial class and elaborate the various types of entrepreneurs.
Chp. 7. Women entrepreneurs
1) Women entrepreneurs

1) Women entrepreneurs

1) What is the status of women entrepreneurs in contemporary business? Illustrate with examples.
2) What are the problems faced by Indian women entrepreneurs? Explain the strategies to be followed to make them competitive.
3) Why a woman opts for entrepreneurial path? Narrate the prospects and problems of an Indian woman entrepreneur.

Chp. 8. Business planning and decision making

1) What is brainstorming?
2) Define and explain the essentials of a good business plan. Explain the process of decision making. Give suitable examples.

Chp. 9. Project identification and classification

1) Small scale industry
1) SWOT is an essential tool in environmental scanning and sectorial studies. Explain giving suitable examples.
2) To what extent does environmental scanning reduce the severity of risks in business.
Chp. 10. Project formulation and feasibility analysis
1) Project evaluation
2) Techno-economic analysis

1) As a potential entrepreneur, how would you construct a business plan to satisfy your banker.
2) As a consultant, how would you plan the project for your client/.
3) Explain techno-economic feasibility study.?

Chp. 11. Rural entrepreneurship

1) Cottage industry
2) Ancillary industry
3) Industrial estates
1) Ancillarisation
2) Rural entrepreneur
3) Industrial estates

1) “ancillarisation is the only hope for the small business in india after globalization.” Comment and support your answer with illustration.

Chp.12. Entrepreneurial oppurtunities in service sector

1) Oppurtunities in service sector
2) Growth options for an entrepreneur
1) Identify the various reasons for the current growth of the service sector in india
2) Define service sector. Outline the significance and important functions of service sector in india
3) What are the different types of oppurtunities in service sector?
4) What is sectoral study? In your opinion, which sectors can be expected to do well in future?
5) Do you feel that service sector creates more job oppurtunities than the manufacturing sector- if yes, give reasons.
Chp. 13. Business Acquisition, Franchising and Outsourcing

1) Customization
2) Acquisition
3) Outsourcing
4) Franchising

1) Explain the concept and importance of outsourcing in Indian economy.
Chp. 14. Organizational structure for entrepreneurs
1) What are the different forms of ownership available to entrepreneurs? Discuss each form in brief.
Chp. 15. Requirement of capital
1) Working capital management
2) Venture capital

Chp. 16. Entrepreneurial education and training

1) Entrepreneurial development programmes.
1) EDP is a process of growing entrepreneurs? Explain.
2) What are the various EDP you are aware of? Describe the role of various institution in it and explain the various components.

Chp. 17. Institutional assistance to entrepreneurs
1) Funding a business

1) What are the various sources of finance for entrepreneurs in india? Describe the features of these sources

Chp. 18. How to set up new venture
1) Infrastructure facilities
2) Feasibility study
3) Marketing feasibility

1) Business plan
2) Role of industrial fairs
3) Economic benefits from location
1) Until committed to papers intentions are seeds without soil, soils without winds or mere wishes which do not lead to execution and without execution there is no pay offs.” Comment and explain the contents of a project report.
2) You propose to start a small-scale industrial unit to manufacture textile chemicals. Prepare a business proposal for submission to a banker.
3) Elaborate the methodology for a site location. Enumerate the various considerations under it.
Chp. 19. Sickness in Indian industries
1) Industrial sickness

Chp. 20. Social responsibility of business
1) Explain giving examples how business organizations fulfill their social responsibilities.
Chp. 21. Successful entrepreneurs and their practices
1) Leadership qualities
2) Proactive personality

1) Illustrate the personality of an entrepreneur with an example of a successful Indian entrepreneur.
2) Contribution to Indian economy has to come from entrepreneurial achievements. Evaluate the statement, signifying the role of entrepreneurship.
3) Explain the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs with reference to any successful entrepreneur?


1) Managerial competence
1)”reverse migration of labour can be achieved through entrepreneurship”. How?

Questions –

1. Explain the concept, meaning and definition of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship.

2.      Explain the Importance and significance of growth of entrepreneurial activity.

3.      Explain the Concept of intrapreneur.

4.      Explain the Characteristics and qualities of entrepreneurs.

5.      Explain the Classification and types of entrepreneurs.

6.      Write a note on Women entrepreneurs.

7.      Explain Theories of entrepreneurship

8.      Explain the Contribution of Mc Clelland and Joseph Schumpeter

9.      Explain the Factors influencing entrepreneurial development and motivation.

10.  Explain the role of culture in Entrepreneurial development

11.  Explain the role of Entrepreneurial Development Programme (EDP) to manage the problems faced by entrepreneurs.

12.  Explain the development of women entrepreneurs with reference to Self Help Groups

13. Explain the options available to entrepreneurs – ancillarisation, franchising and outsourcing.

14.  Cite few cases on takeover, mergers and acquisitions in India and at
global level.

15.  Define Social Entrepreneurship and explain its importance

16.  Explain the social responsibilities undertaken by NGOs.

17.  Write a note on Entrepreneurial Project Development.

18. Write a note on Sources and Methods of Idea Generation

19.  Write a note on Identification and classification of ideas.

20.  Write a note on Environmental Scanning and SWOT analysis

21.  Explain the points to be considered for preparation of project plan.

22.  Explain the components of ideal business plan.

23.  Explain the aspects and methods of Project Appraisal.

24.  Write a note on Technological feasibility

25.  Write a note on Managerial competency

26.  Explain Project Report Significance and contents of Project formulation.

27.  Explain the meaning, definition and evolution of Small and Medium Enterprises.

28.  Explain the role and importance of Small and Medium Enterprises.

29.  Explain the policies governing SMEs.

30.  Explain the organizational structure of SMEs.

31.  Explain the steps in setting up a small unit.

32.  Explain SME funding i.e. sources of finance for SMEs

33.  Explain the role of SIDBI and SISI in the development of SMEs.

34.  Explain the Marketing mechanism in SMEs

35.  Explain the Export potential of SMEs.

36.  Explain the Problems and prospects of SMEs.

37.Explain the Turnaround strategies for SMEs.




P.S. The Question Banks and Important Topics provided by us may or may not appear in the exams. It’s just for you to be aware of the topics related to the subject. Do prepare and study more than this. We are not responsible and are just here to provide you with the best required information.

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