Entrepreneurship Question Bank 2013 – Navigator Tutorials






1. Venture Capital (April 2011) (R-374) 1. Ancillarisation (April 2012 ,OCT 2011) (R-141)
2. Brain Storming (April 2011 ,OCT 2011) (R-219) 2. Creativity and Innovation (April 2012) (R-199/203)
3. Franchising (April 2011) (R-143) 3. Characteristics of an entrepreneur (April 2012) (R-21)
4. Pure Entrepreneurs (April 2011) (R-42) 4. Role of NABARD in developing SMEs (April 2012) (R-363)
5. Acquisitions (April 2011) (R-156) 5. Intrapreneur /Entrepreneur (April 2012) (R-87)
6. Outsourcing (April 2012) (R-146) 6. Role of Culture in the development of entrepreneurs (OCT 2011) (R-103)
7. projection formulation (April 2012) (R-247) 7. Franchising (OCT 2011) (R-143)
8. NSIC (April 2012) (R-413) 8. Entrepreneurial Development Programme (OCT 2011) (R-113)
9.Turnaround strategy (April 2012) (R-422) 9. Turnaround Strategy (OCT 2012) (R-422)
10. Environment Scanning (April 2012) (R-230) 10. Theory of achievement motivation (OCT 2012) (Search Your Self)
11. SISI (OCT 2011) (R-389) 11. Incentives and subsidies  enjoyed by the SMEs (OCT 2012) (R-378)
12. Seed Capital (OCT 2011) (R-377) 12. Institutional support provided to SSIs with spcial reference to NSIC nad SISI (OCT 2012) (R-389,413)
13. Intrapreneur (OCT 2011) (R-11) 13. Creativity and innovation (OCT 2012) (R-208)
14. SHG (OCT 2012) (R-134)  
15. Working Capital (OCT 2012)           (R-346)
16. Industrial Estates (OCT 2012) (Search Your Self)
17. Cottage and village industries (OCT 2012) (R-384)
18. SIDBI (OCT 2012) (R-360)

Long Answer

Q.1 Discuss the problems faced by women entrepreneurs. Explain the role played by SHG’s in encouraging women Entrepreneurs. (April 2011) (R-46,134)

Q.2 Explain objectives of Entrepreneurship Development Programme, and how it is conducted. (April 2011) (R-116)

Q.3 Why is it necessary for an entrepreneur to scan the environment in which he operates? (April 2011) (R-233)

Q.4 Explain the role of SIDBI in assisting small scale Entrepreneurs. (April 2011) (R-381)

Q.5 Explain the steps in setting up a small unit. (April 2011 ,2012) (R-333)

Q.6 Give a brief classification of different types of entrepreneurs. (April 2012) (R-39)

Q.7 “Entrepreneurs are made and not born”. In the light of this statement explain the objectives of EDP and state the importance of entrepreneurial training. (April 2012) (R-116,118)

Q.8 How do you understand social entrepreneurship? Bring out the arguments in favour of and against social entrepreneur. (April 2012) (R-169,181)

Q.9 Discuss the contribution of Josepph Schumpter and David Mc Celland with regard to Entrepreneurship. (OCT 2011) (R-72)

Q.10 How should a prospective Entrepreneur formulate a good business Plan? Illustrate with an example. (OCT 2011) (R-238,242)

Q.11 What are the causes of sickness in Small Scale Industries? Explain the measures to prevent sickness. (OCT 2011) (R-438,443)

Q.12 What is EDP? Explain the different phases of an EDP. What is its relevance in today’s world? (OCT 2012) (R-113,118)

Q.13 Enumerate the causes and consequences of sickness in SISI and explain the tax benefits enjoyed by them. (OCT 2012) (R-378,438,442)

Q.14 How would you construct a business plan to satisfy your banker? Explain in detail. (OCT 2012) (R-240)

Q.15 What is empowerment? Discuss briefly the empowerment of women through enterprise. What are the promotional schemes available in India for the development of women entrepreneurship? (OCT 2012) (R-64,53)

BOOKS REFERRED: – Entrepreneurship & Management of Small & Medium Enterprises by Sunny Fernandes RISHABH PUBLISHING HOUSE (RPH)



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