Entrepreneurship Question Bank 2013 – Shreya Classes


Explain the following concepts:

1)  Women Entrepreneur.

2)  Innovation.

3)  Need for Achievement.

4)  Pure Entrepreneurs.

5)  Focus groups.

6)  Environmental Scanning.

7)  SWOT analysis

8)  Project report.

9)  Project Appraisal.

10)Economic oriented appraisal.

11)Financial appraisal.

12)Managerial competency.

13)HR plan.

14)Project Identification.





19)Social Entreprenuership.


21)Entrepreneurial Culture.

22)Manufacturing enterprises.

23)Service enterprises.


25)Marketing mix.

26)Marketing Research.

27)Turnaround strategies.

28)Ancillary industries.

29)Cottage industries.



Answer the following questions:

1)  Explain the characteristics of entrepreneurs.

2)  Explain the concept of entrepreneurship.

3)  Explain the concept of intrapreneur.

4)  State the features of an intrapreneur.

5)  State the essentials for intrapreneurship

6)  Explain the intrapreneurial process.

7)  Define women entrepreneur. State the features of women entrepreneurs.

8)  State the types of women entrepreneurs.

9)  Explain the theories of entrepreneurship

10)Explain methods of idea generation.

11)What is project identification?

12)State the important techniques for project identification.

13)What is Environmental Scanning? State its importance.

14)What is Project Formulation? State the need for project formulation.

15)State the planning Commission’s Guidelines for project formulation.

16)What are the contents of project report?

17)Explain the stages in project report formulation.

18)State the objectives of project appraisal.

19)Explain the methods of project appraisal.

20)Explain the components of an ideal business plan.

21)What are the factors influencing entrepreneurial motivation?

22)What is Entrepreneurial Development Programme? State its basic features and objectives.

23)Explain importance of EDPs.

24)State the relevance of EDP.

25)What is Selp Help Group? State its features.

26)Explain the importance of SHG.

27)What is Franchising? State types of Franchising.

28)What is outsourcing? State its features.

29)What is merger? State types of mergers.

30)State the guidelines for an effective merger.

31)What is acquisition?

32)What is social entrepreneurship? Explain the importance of social entrepreneurship.

33)What are NGOs? State its characteristics.

34)What are types of NGOs?

35)Explain the concept and importance of outsourcing in Indian Economy.

36)State types of small scale industries.

37)Explain the role and importance of SMEs

38)Explain Small Scale Industries under Five Year Plans.

39)What are the measures taken for protection and promotion of small units?

40)State the principles of fixed capital management.

41)What is working capital? Explain the features of working capital.

42)What are the factors determining working capital requirements?

43)Write a note on working capital management.

44)Write a note on MODVAT Scheme.

45)What is marketing mechanism in SMEs?

46)Explain the functions of marketing.

47)Explain the marketing problems of small scale units.

48)What is Market segmentation? Explain the basis of market segmentation.

49)What are the factors influencing choice of distribution channels.

50)Write a note on export potential of SME’s.

51)Explain the tax incentives for exports.

52)What are the prospects of SMEs?

53)Enumerate the steps in export procedure.

54)What are turnaround strategies? Explain the turnaround strategies for


55)State the objectives of SMEs.

56)State the advantages of SMEs.

57)What are different forms of ownership available to entrepreneurs?

Discuss each form in brief?

58)What is industrial sickness?

59)Give the classification of industrial sickness.

60)State the symptoms of industrial sickness.

61)Explain the consequences of industrial sickness.

62)Suggest remedial measures to overcome industrial sickness.

63)     Distinguish between the following:

a)  Entrepreneur and Enterprise

b)  Male Entrepreneur and Female Entrepreneur c)   Entrepreneur and Social Entrepreneur

d)  Entrepreneurial culture and Administrative culture.

e)  Fixed Capital and Working Capital. f)   Marketing and Selling.

g)  Traditional concept of Marketing and Modern Concept of Marketing.



Write notes on the following

1)  Qualities of entrepreneurs

2)  Classification and types of entrepreneurs

3)  Theories of entrepreneurship

4)  Economic theory of entrepreneurship

5)  Psychological theory of entrepreneurship.

6)  Contribution of McClellan with regard to Entrepreneurship.

7)  Identification of ideas.

8)  Classification of ideas.

9)  Importance of project formulation.

10)Project Report.

11)Stages in formulation of project report.

12)Objectives of Project Appraisal.

13)Significance of Project Appraisal.

14)Aspects of Project Appraisal.

15)Objectives of EDPs.

16)Phases of EDPs.

17)Need for SHGs

18)Advantages and disadvantages of ancillarisation.

19)Types of franchising.

20)Need for outsourcing.




24)Social entrepreneurship.

25)Social responsibility of entrepreneurs.


27)Characteristics of NGO.

28)Types of NGOs

29)Strengths and weaknesses of NGOs.

30)Types of small scale industries.

31)Role and importance on SMEs.

32)Policies governing SMEs

33)New Policy initiatives in 1999-2000 for small scale sector.

34)Small sector industrial policy 1991.

35)Organisational structure of SSIs.

36)Venture Capital.

37)Seed Capital.

38)MODVAT Scheme.

39)Role of SIDBI in development of SMEs.

40)Marketing mechanism in SMEs.

41)Market Assessment.

42)Market segmentation.

43)Basis of market segmentation

44)Factors influencing choice of distribution channels.

45)Marketing research.

46)Marketing and selling.

47)Marketing problems of small scale units.

48)Export potential of SMEs.

49)Tax incentives for exports.

50)Problems of SMEs.

51)Turnaround Strategies for SMEs.

52)Characteristic of SMEs.

53)Objectives of SMEs.

54)Advantages of SMEs.

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hello, this is sunil Newaskar working as Visiting faculty for BMS / MMS (Finance ) with various colleges. also having shreya consultancy (in Project management and capital budgeting) . regards sunil newaskar


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