Error in today’s Mumbai Mirror – BMS Results are not declared!


The university results declared last week have left third year students of Bachelor of Mass Media and Bachelor of Science, as well as principals of many colleges, disappointed.

Most students felt they scored lesser than what they had expected, and many have applied for re-evaluation of their answer sheets, reported principals.

So far, the university has already declared results for BCom, BMS, BMM, BSc (IT) and five other BSc courses. The BMS students, however, only know if they have passed or not as the mark sheets are yet to be released.

“BMS students are not happy with the results. Six of them have applied for re-evaluation,” said Ashok Wadia, principal of Jai Hind College. Aman Parkar, a third year student of Sophia College, said, “Though we haven’t received our mark sheets, we do not expect high marks mainly because of the last paper on Indian regional journalism. Some of the questions were out of syllabus and most of us performed poorly.”

Results of BSc students also failed to impress. Many students said that those who generally performed well in the class have failed. “My marks are 15 per cent lesser than what I had expected. While some students failed in Statistics, most of us have received least marks in Computer Science,” said a third year BSc student from Ruia College.

Of the 40 BSc subjects, results for only Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Geology and Computer Science have been released. This is posing difficulty for faculty members and principals, who want to analyse the results.

“I have asked my staff to analyse the results to find out what went wrong. But it is difficult to do so with partial results. Besides, due to the issue of the enrolment number needed to view the result, results of about 20 students of my college have been withheld,” said Kavita Rege, principal of Parle Tilak College in Vile Parle.

Agreeing that performance of BSc students has deteriorated, MJ Farooqui, principal of Rizvi College, said, “The pass percentage for Science students has gone down by at least 10 per cent. Of all other subjects, Computer Science is the one in which maximum number of students fail.”

BSc (IT) has seen similar results in some colleges. In Dahanukar College, 49 of 120 students failed. “Almost all of them have applied for re evaluation and I am positive that at least 60 per cent of them will pass because they are good students as per our records,” said Madhavi Pethe, Principal of Dahanukar College.

Meanwhile, the university released results for third year BCom students on Thursday. As per university records, of the 64,596 students who appeared for the examination, only 36,241 passed with an overall pass percentage of 65.26 per cent.

“The results are similar to last year. The mark sheets will be out in a couple of days. As for the BSc course, we will have to sit and find out why students think that they have fared poorly,” said Padma Deshmukh, controller of examinations.


Source: Mumbai Mirror

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