Ethical issues


When   M. A went to a Bank of XYZ branch to encash a check, he was denied service. The bank policy stipulated that if a person did not have an account with the bank s/he had to provide a thumbprint to have a check encashed. Mr.A did not have a thumb but the bank still refused to serve him, citing bank policy.


Ethics                                   Compliance policy                                     Disciplinary actions.


In 2009, when Mr.A went to a Bank XYZ branch in the to cash a check, he was in for a shock. The bank refused to serve him unless he provided a thumbprint. And this, despite Mr.A having a compelling reason for not complying with the demand – he was born without hands and wore prosthetic arms…

Questions for Discussion:

1. Discuss the ethical issues related to this case. Analyze the roles of each of the people involved    and the bank.
2. “Human beings have an ethical obligation not to stick to [policies] when they result in outrageous consequences to others, and there is no counterbalancing benefit to be gained by doing so, other than not varying from the policy.” Discuss.

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hello, this is sunil Newaskar working as Visiting faculty for BMS / MMS (Finance ) with various colleges. also having shreya consultancy (in Project management and capital budgeting) . regards sunil newaskar

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