Ethics and Governance – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016


Ethics and Governance – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016

Modules at a Glance

SN  Modules No. of


 1  Introduction to Ethics and Business Ethics 15
 2  Ethics in Marketing, Finance and HRM 15
 3  Corporate Governance 15
 4  Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 15
 Total  60

Ethics and Governance – Syllabus Overview

SN  Modules/ Units
 1 Introduction to Ethics and Business Ethics
a) Ethics

• Concept of Ethics, Evolution of Ethics, Nature of Ethics- Personal, Professional, Managerial

• Importance of Ethics, Objectives, Scope, Types – Transactional, Participatory and Recognition

b) Business Ethics

• Meaning, Objectives, Purpose and Scope of Business Ethics Towards Society and Stakeholders, Role of Government in Ensuring Business Ethics

• Principles of Business Ethics, 3 Cs of Business Ethics – Compliance, Contribution and Consequences

• Myths about Business Ethics

• Ethical Performance in Businesses in India

 2  Ethics in Marketing, Finance and HRM
a) Ethics in Marketing:

• Ethical issues in Marketing Mix, Unethical Marketing Practices in India, Ethical Dilemmas in Marketing, Ethics in Advertising and Types of Unethical Advertisements

b) Ethics In Finance:

• Scope of Ethics in Financial Services, Ethics of a Financial Manager – Legal Issues, Balancing Act and Whistle Blower, Ethics in Taxation, Corporate Crime – White Collar Crime and Organised Crime, Major Corporate Scams in India, Role of SEBI in Ensuring Corporate Governance, Cadbury Committee Report, 1992

c) Ethics in Human Resource Management:

• Importance of Workplace Ethics, Guidelines to Promote Workplace Ethics, Importance of Employee Code of Conduct, Ethical Leadership

 3  Corporate Governance
• Concept, History of Corporate Governance in India, Need for Corporate Governance

• Significance of Ethics in Corporate Governance, Principles of Corporate Governance, Benefits of Good Governance, Issues in Corporate Governance

• Theories- Agency Theory, Shareholder Theory, Stakeholder Theory and Stewardship Theory

• Corporate Governance in India, Emerging Trends in Corporate Governance, Models of Corporate Governance, Insider Trading

 4  Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
• Meaning of CSR, Evolution of CSR, Types of Social Responsibility• Aspects of CSR- Responsibility, Accountability, Sustainability and Social Contract

• Need for CSR

• CSR Principles and Strategies

• Issues in CSR

• Social Accounting

• Tata Group’s CSR Rating Framework

• Sachar Committee Report on CSR

• Ethical Issues in International Business Practices

• Recent Guidelines in CSR

• Society’s Changing Expectations of Business With Respect to Globalisation

• Future of CSR

Reference Books for Subject: Ethics and Governance

Ethics and Governance
1. Laura P. Hartman, Joe DesJardins, Business Ethics, Mcgraw Hill, 2nd Edition

2. A. C. Fernando, Business Ethics – An Indian Perspective, Pearson, 2010

3. Joseph DesJardins, An Introduction to Business Ethics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition

4. Richard T DeGeorge, Business Ethics, Pearson, 7th Edition

5. Dr.A.K. Gavai, Business Ethics, Himalaya Publishing House, 2008

6. S.K. Mandal, Ethics is Business and Corporate Governance, McGraw Hill, 2010

7. Laura Pincus Hartman, Perspectives in Business Ethics, McGraw Hill International Editions, 1998

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