Evaluations of the Working of the World Bank

  1. No doubt, initially, the bank’s financial resources were limited, and so, it could not provide much assistance to member countries. But in courses of time, it has increased its financial resources by raising its capital and by borrowing funds through the sale of bands in members.
  2. By providing funds for productive purpose, such as agriculture, irrigation, electric power, transport & communication etc, which constitute the infrastructure for the economic development of a country, the bank has contributed to the economic development of many developing countries.
  3. It has encouraged private foreign investment by giving guarantees and sending to member countries only when they are not able to raise funds from private investors on liberal terms.
  4. Besides financial assistance, it has provided even technical assistance to member countries in soluing their economic problems.
  5. It has also settled economic disputes between member countries, and there by, enabled the member countries to utilize their resources for rapid economic development.

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