Ever Thought Where Would B-Town Celebs End Up, Apart From Being Actors!



In an era where audiences have become cynical, we can actually say that the boys from the Bollywood have secured themselves a place in the hearts of the people. But what if the tables turn around? We can never rely on our fate. Here is a list of top celebrities, who may find another profession the very next day.

1. Sonam Kapoor

Touted as one of the leading fashionista of its fraternity, Sonam Kapoor is way more then just a glamour queen. Infact, it seems that fashion is the prime skill attached to Sonam, beating even the acting skills, which she inherited from the obvious, Anil Kapoor. Interestingly, how many beauties can be found over the place who also have a sense of attire? Very few eh?

2. Vidya Balan

When the previous girl got the fashionista icon image over the town, this lady was just too easy to be made fun of, when it comes to dressing. If you remember, Vidya has also won a Na-Real Award for the worst nightmare for a fashion designer at the Filmfare Awards.

Which she bravely defended though with the likes of Dirty Picture and Kahaani, making the audience forget the past, and mesmerize her as a whole new person. Undoubtedly, Mrs. Siddharth Roy Kapur can make up a good teacher apart from an actor, playing it against all the odds and making others learn from it.

3. Akshay Kumar


We now come to the Khiladi of the town, some praise him for the risks he takes, may it be films or martial arts, while some criticize him for his foolish will to get over exposed.

May you be a lover of his comedy or a doubter of his sense, one cannot deny the fact that the actor is the best chef in the whole of bollywood, beating even the top females actors. Wouldn’t it be a dream come true to eat a brunch, made by Mr.Khiladi himself?

4. Sanjay Dutt

The Munna bhai of the B-Town, supposed to follow Gandhigiri, may not be going through the best phase of his life. But his intact body, along with a solid control over his voice and a dashing personality, end up making him a typical Mumbai Police Inspector! Can’t you just imagine the sketch? Its easy, isn’t it?

5. Shahrukh Khan

Now this man, has never left a word to be spoken off, when it comes to his movies, Shahrukh shall be one of the last stars of the bollywood, who would have got a fan following upto this extent. We can’t imagine this badshah of romance from leaving the job.

But to your surprise , even at the age of late 40s his health and sportiness is just like any other college teen. Shahrukh, hands down, can be a solid sporty athlete, as he uses to be in majority of his movies.

Well, we never know, we may see one of these faces actually gearing for another innings in life, in reel or in real!

– Parth Dhedia

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