Everything you love now on your TV – Google Chromecast



  1. Google has finally launched the Chromecast in India, priced at Rs. 2,999.
  2. The dongle-shaped device will be exclusively available via Snapdeal starting Wednesday as part of the Google’s third edition of the Great Online Shopping Festival (GOSF).
  3. Google has also tied up with Airtel to offer up to 60GB broadband data free with every purchase of Chromecaste.The 60GB free data is also available to existing Airtel broadband subscribers.
    Compact, Simple to set up and use, Affordable, Good picture quality where available
    Requires companion device, Fairly limited in its current form
    If you don’t already have the ability to watch Netflix, YouTube or Google Play videos on your TV and want to, the Chromecast is an absolute steal for the price. Idiot-proof to set up and use, it performs well within its rather limited capabilities.

    This image displays how google chromecast functions
    This image displays how google chromecast functions
    chromecast_snapdealHmm..now having smart tv at home (which is otherwise so costly) at the deal of Rs,2999/- isnt’ it cool? 🙂 just that we will need companion device – a smartphone, tablet or computer, to enjoy the delight of smart tv  ……

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Kajal Shah

hello frnds.. I am kajal shah, a student by occupation. I m fun-loving, simple and happy-go-lucky girl.I am talkative i like to counsel my friends and make them feel light when they are having tough time.I believe in simplicity and i love cooking and oh ya so m a foodie by birth.Do no badbut don't take a shit..


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