Everything You Need To Know About Eid-ul-fitr That May Be Celebrated On 29 July 2014




When the moon is sighted on the night of 29th fast or 30th fast then the month of Shawwal begins from tomorrow and Ramadan is over. The 1st of Shawwal is the Eid also know as Eid-ul-fitr to distinguish it from Eid-ul-azha (Bakri Eid).

As per Hazrat-sayyedina abdullah ibn-e-abbas (Raziallahu Anha)the night of Eid-ul-fitr (I.e chand raat) is known as LAYLATUL JAYEZA means the night of rewards also known as eidain ki raat the night to recieve eidi (gifts). Allah says those who stay awake and do prayers that night than their heart won’t die on the day when hearts of others will die. Sayyedina maaz bin jabal (raziallahu Anha) mentioned 5 important nights and copies that those who stays awake in these 5 nights and do prayers and asks for forgiveness will surely go to Jannat. The five nights are as follows :

1st ; 8th night of month zilhijja

2nd ; 9th night of zilhijja

3rd ; 10th night of zilhijja

4th ; night of eid-ul-fitr

5th ; 15th night of month shaabaan-ul-muazzam


This night allah distributes rewards to those who done successful prayers during ramazan and became successful in convincing Allah. There are people who waste this night of rewards (laylatul jayeza) and goes on shopping and enjoys this  night but this night is for prayers and asking Allah for forgiveness so it is advisable to all Muslims that do not waste this night and claim your rewards because salary is given for the work you have done and not for the work that is not done.

Hazrat-e-sayyedina Abdullah ibn-e-abbas(Raziallahu Anha) copies that when the sun rises on eid-ul-fitr Allah sends His angels in all the cities and than the angels when come on earth recites that come Muslims(Ummat-e-mohammediya) SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WA SALLAM walk on the path of Allah who is the ultimate giver of rewards and gifts and who is there to forgive your sins. Allah says ask what you want , this namaz-e-eid I promise to answer all your duas for akhirat(the day of judgement) and also for whatever you wishes for in this world I promise I will fulfill what is best in favour of you. Allah says that I promise if you keep my respect I will hide all your sins from the world and I will not make you stand with sinners and will send you to your home from this namaz-e-eid by forgiving all your sins.

Before namaz-e-eid it is compulsory on saahib-e-nisaab to pay sadqa-e-fitr(donate a part of their money). Those who have 75 grams of gold or 525 grams of silver or the equivalent money to this , is known as Saahib-e-nisaab. To understand this in more detail please read 5th part of the book Bahar-e-shariyat. To be eligible to pay sadqa-e-fitr the person need not be major (baaligh), if the person is minor or mentally unstable but if he is Saahib-e-nisaab than sadqa-e-fitr is compulsory(vaajib) on his wealth and those who takes care of his wealth has to pay sadqa-e-fitr from his wealth. A man has to pay sadqa-e-fitr for his son I.e. minor but not major or if the son is mentally unstable than also but if the mentally unstable has his own amount of wealth that makes him saahib-e-nisaab than father don’t have to pay on the other hand for a mother to pay sadqa-e-fitr for his son is not compulsory. If a wife pays sadqa-e-fitr on behalf of her husband without his knowledge than the fitra won’t be accepted.

After namaz-e-eid every one hugs each other and wishes Eid Mubarak and children gets eidi from their parents and relatives elder than them. And Muslims enjoy this day as it is the day of celebration and enjoyment , the word Eid itself means celebrating happiness.


By Shadab Shaikh

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