Everything You Need To Know About ‘Laylat al-Qadr’, 24 July 2014


Laylat al-Qadr 1

Shab e qadar also known as laylatul qadar is the night that falls in the last ashrah of ramzan (ramadan)mostly on 27th ramzan (ramadan). This night is considered as one of the important nights in Islam. In this night (27th of Ramadan), the Holy Quran was sent down from LOH-E-MEHFOOZ (the Preserved Tablet) to the earth. Messenger of ALLAH (SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WA SALLAM) told us to search for Shab-e-Qadr in the odd numbered nights, in the last ten days of Ramzan. So, the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th night of Ramadan could be Shab-e-Qadr.


Hazrat Aisha Radiallah Anha stated that Rasool Allah SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WA SALLAM said, “Look for Lailat-Ul-Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadhan.” (Bukhari)


Hazrat Aisha Radiallah Anha stated that as much Rasool Allah SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WA SALLAM tried (Ibadat) in the last Ashra (ten days) of Ramadhan, did not try in any of the Ashra.” (Muslim)


Hazrat Aisha Radiallah Anha stated that I asked Rasool Allah SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WA SALLAM, “If I find Lailatul Qadar then what should I do? HE SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WA SALLAM said, recite this Dua.”ALLAH HUMMA INNAKA A’FUVUN TOHIB BUL AFVA FA’AFU ANNI” (Tirmidhi)

 2 Laylat al-Qadr

Signs of shab-e-qadar:


1:The person doing prayer will suddenly feel tear drops in his eyes as it is said that Jibreel (Alaihi salaam) shake hands with the persons doing prayers.


2: darya-e-shaur the salty sea will become sweet on that night.


3: In that night there won’t be so much warmth and not so much cold and the sky will be clean and all stars would be visible.


4: after this night when the sun rises the sun would be full round and cool as it is said in that morning the Satan won’t rise with sun as in rest of the days Satan also rises with sun.


Prayers in these nights


21st Night of Ramadhan-Ul-Mubarak – 1st night of Laitlat-Ul-Qadr


1) Pray 4 cycles of ritual prayer (raka’t) (2 cycles of 2 raka’ each).

In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA recite Surah QADR (Inna anzalna .. )once and Surah IKHLAS (Qul-hu-wal-lah..) once. After completion recite SALAAT-O-SALAAM (Durood Sharif) seventy (70) times

Benefit: Insha Allah, Angels will pray for forgivenss for that person.


2) Offer 2 cycles of ritual prayer (raka’t)

In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR once and Surah IKHLAS three times. After completion of this salah, recite any Astaghfar seventy times.

Astaghfar: “Allah Hummagh Fir Li Wa Tub A’laiyya Inna Ka Innta Tawwabur Raheem”OR “Astaghfirullah Rabbi Min Kulli Zambiyon Wa Atoobu ilaiyh”

Benefit: Effective for forgivness of sins.


3) In this night (21st), recite Surah QADR 21 times.


23rd Night of Ramadhan-Ul-Mubarak – 2nd night of Laitlat-Ul-Qadr


1) Offer 4 cycles of ritual prayer (raka’t) (2 sets of 2 raka’ each)

In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR once and Surah IKHLAS three times.

Benefit: Effective for forgivness of sins.


2) Offer 8 cycles of ritual prayer (raka’) (4 sets of 2 raka’ each)

In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR and Surah IKHLAS once. After completion of this salah (namaaz) recite the third kalima (Kalima Tamjeed) 70 times. After that, plead to Allah Almighty for forgiveness of sins.

Kalima Tamjeed: “Subhan Allahi Wal Hamdu Lillahi Wa La ilaaha illal laho Walla Hu Akbar.Wala Haowla Wala Quwwata illa Billa Hil Aliyil Azeem”.

Benefit: Allah Willing (Insha’Allah), Allah will forgive whoever performs this prayer


3) In the 23rd night recite Surah YAASEEN once and Surah RAHMAAN once.


25th Night of Ramadhan-Ul-Mubarak – 3rd night of Laitlat-Ul-Qadr


1) In this night offer 4 cycles of ritual prayer (raka’t) (2 sets of 2 raka’ each)

After Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR one time and Surah IKHLAS five times in each raka’. After completion of this salat recite the first Kalima Tayyab 100 times.

Kalima Tayyab: “Laa ilaaha illal Laho Mohammadur Rasoolullah”.

Benifit: Insha Allah, Allah Tala will give him/her unlimited Sawab (good Deeds)


2) Offer 4 cycles of ritual prayer (raka’) (2 sets of 2 raka’ each)

In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR three times and Surah IKHLAS three times. After completion of this salah, recite any Astaghfar 70 times.

Astaghfar: “Allah Hummagh Fir Li Wa Tub A’laiyya Inna Ka Innta Tawwabur Raheem”OR “Astaghfirullah Rabbi Min Kulli Zambiyon Wa Atoobu ilaiyh”

Benefit: This salat is good for the pardoning of sins.


3) Offer two cycles of ritual prayer (raka’). 

In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR once and Surah IKHLAS fifteen times. After Salat, recite the second Kalima (Kalima-e-Shahaadat) 70 times.

Kalima Shaadat: “Ashadu Anlaa ilaaha illal Lahu Wa Ash Hadu Anna Mohammadan Abduhu Wa Rasoolohu”.

Benefit: The reward of this namaaz is freedom from the punishment of the grave.


4) Recite Surah Dukhan. Allah Willing (Insha’Allah) they will be granted freedom from the punishment of grave.


5) Recite Surah Fath seven times. Beneficial for the fulfillment of desires and wishes.


27th Night of Ramadhan-Ul-Mubarak – 4th night of Laitlat-Ul-Qadr


1) In the 27th night, pray 12 cycles of ritual prayer (raka’) (3 set of 4 raka’ each)

In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR once and Surah IIKHLAS fifteen times. After salah recite any Astaghfar 70 times.

Astaghfar: “Allah Hummagh Fir Li Wa Tub A’laiyya Inna Ka Innta Tawwabur Raheem”OR “Astaghfirullah Rabbi Min Kulli Zambiyon Wa Atoobu ilaiyh”

Benefit: Inhsa Allah, Allah tala will give sawab equal to Ibadah of Ambiya Karam’s (Messengers of Allah) Ibadah.


2) Pray two cycles of ritual prayer (raka’). 

In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA recite Surah QADR 3 times and Surah IKHLAS 27 times, and plead to Allah for the forgiveness of sins.

Benefit: Allah Willing (Insha’Allah), the Allah Almighty will forgive all their previous sins.


3) Pray four cycles of ritual prayer (raka’). (2 sets of 2 raka’ each). 

In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah TAKAASUR once and Surah IKHLAS three times.

Benefit: Whoever offers this salah, they will be saved from hardship at the time of death, and Allah Willing (Insha’Allah), they will be freed from the punishment of the grave.


4) Pray two cycles of ritual prayer (raka’). 

In each raka’, after Surahh FATIHA, recite Surah IKHLAS seven times and after salah recite this seventy times:


Benfit: Before the person gets up from the praying area, Allah Almighty will pardon them and their parents, and Allah Almighty will Command the angels to adorn the Paradise for them and it is said that they will not die until they see the blessings (ne’mat) of Paradise with their own eyes.


5) Pray two cycles of ritual prayer (raka’). 

In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah ALAM’NASHRAH once, Surah IKHLAS three times and after salah, recite Surah QADR 27 times.

Benefit: Effecive for unlimited Sawab of Ibadah.


6) Pray four cycles of ritual prayer (raka’). (1 set of 4 raka’). 

In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA’ recite Surah QADR three times and Surah IKHLAS fifty times and after completion of this salah (namaaz), recite this once in prostration (sajdah):


Benefit: After that whatever wish one may have, either worldly or religious, may be pleased. Allah Willing (Insha’Allah), their supplication will be fulfilled.


7) In this night, recite Surah Mulk 7 times. It is good for freeing from punishment.


29th Night of Ramadhan-Ul-Mubarak – 5th night of Laitlat-Ul-Qadr


1) Pray four cycles of ritual prayer (raka’). (2 sets of 2 raka’ each).

In every raka’, after Surah FATIHA recite Surah QADR once and Surahh IKHLAS three times. After salah, recite Surah ALAM’NASHRAH 70 times.

Benefit: Efective for the completion of Imaan.


2) Offer four cycles of ritual prayer (raka’). (2 sets of 2 raka’ each).

In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR once and Surah IKHLAS five times. After salah, recite SALAAT-O-SALAAM (Darood Sharif) 100 times.

Benefit: Effective for forgiveness of sins.


3) Recite Surah WAAQIAH seven times. Beneficial for increase in Rizq.



Special DU’AA of Lailatul QADR:


“O Allah! You are the Forgiver and You like forgiving so forgive me”





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