Everything You Need To Know About Microsoft


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The word MICROSOFT has become an essential and integral part of our lives. I salute the founders and the management of this organization. I cannot imagine my life without Microsoft and its products. But I doubt how much we know about the product or its originator.

Satya Nadella is the present chief executive officer and John W. Thompson is the chairman of Microsoft Organization. Microsoft has got two main segments: Engineering and Business Functions. These main segments have 7 sub-segments under each. Its operation center are located in 4 places.

Microsoft was founded in 1975 and incorporated in 1981. William H Gates III was the founder and technology advisor of the company. In 1979, it relocated from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Bellevue, Washington. IBM introduced PC with Microsoft’s 16-bit operating system, MS-DOS 1.0 in 1981. It went public in 1986. Microsoft has launched Windows in 1990 and Microsoft Office containing various applications in 2003.

microsoft office 2013

Thereafter, it has been upgrading these products and have been introducing its latest versions. Windows 8 is latest one introduced in 2008 and Microsoft Office 2013 is latest one introduced in 2013. Apart from these products, Microsoft has introduced other products which are consumer favorites.

Starting with Windows phone in 2009; Microsoft Lync in 2010; acquisition of Skype in 2011; Visual studio in 2012; launching of Outlook.com in 2013 and the latest one being acquisition of Nokia Devices and Services business in 2014.

I am writing about Microsoft using one its latest version of Microsoft Office 2013. Feels Good!

– Aishwarya J

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