Everything You Need To Know About Mumbai University Common Management Entrance Test (MUCMET)



Mumbai University Common Management Entrance Test or MUCMET is an entrance exam conducted for students seeking admission to BMS – MBA 5 Year Integrated Program. MUCMET consists of Multiple Choice Objective type questions in the areas of –

  1. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension,
  2. Quantitative Aptitude,
  3. Logical / Abstract Reasoning,
  4. General Awareness.

MUCMET has 100 questions to be answered in 2 hours i.e. 120 minutes.

Now, let’s discuss the contents of each section asked in MUCMET in detail:

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension:

  1. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension is to test your English language skills.
  2. In this section, there will be passages with questions based on their contents to test your comprehension.
  3. The questions would be on grammar, vocabulary, sentence completion, synonyms, antonyms, comprehension of passages.
  4. This section is basically to test your understanding of the contents of the passage and choice of appropriate words, phrases, expressions and similar language skills.

Quantitative Aptitude:

  1. Quantitative Aptitude test is to find out how fast and accurate you can work with numbers, do numerical calculations and understand various arithmetic problems involving ratio and proportion and percentage.
  2. It also helps you to measure your power of Quantitative Reasoning, Interpretation of Tables, Common Graphs and Charts.

Logical /Abstract Reasoning:

  1. Logical or Abstract Reasoning test is to find out how quickly and accurately you can think.
  2. The section has questions on figures and diagrams.


General Awareness:

  1. The section has questions on Current Affairs, Business and Industry knowledge and awareness.


Tips to attempt the MUCMET Exam:

  1. After reading the question, mark its answer immediately on the separate answer sheet provided to you.
  2. Students should not waste their time reading all the questions.
  3. All questions asked in MUCMET exam are compulsory.
  4. Students should go through the questions first and then decide on which ones to answer as there are no options and each question carries equal marks.
  5. Start answering questions in the MUCMET exam one by one.
  6. Students should mark the answersheet against the same serial number as that of the question they are attempting.
  7. If there is any difficult question, skip it and go the next question.
  8. Each question has answers which are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4. Students have to select the most appropriate answer by using blackball point pen and blacken the circle bearing the correct answer number against the appropriate serial number of the question.
  9. Students must refer to the INSTRUCTIONS on the Specimen answersheet.
  10. The circle has to be dark enough and students should see to it that it is filled in completely.
  11. Pencil markings or markings with sketch pen or ink pen or any other ink will NOT be read by the machine and hence, students are asked to avoid using the same.
  12. Students have to make sure that the answer selected is the final answer before marking each answer.
  13. Since the answers are blackened with ball point pen, hence revision of answer once selected by students will not be possible to change.
  14. Students have to mark only 1 answer to each question.
  15. Multiple answers will be considered as wrong.
  16. Scratching, over-writing, tick marking will be considered as wrong.
  17. Students should not do any rough work on the answer sheet but are requested to do all the required rough work on the test booklet itself.
  18. If students do any rough work on the answersheet, then it may not be assessed.
  19. Students should write their roll no. on the test, if they fail to do so then their answersheet will not be assessed.
  20. All the required information on the answer sheet such as roll no., name, test form no. etc.has to be written and darkened. If students fail to do so then their answer sheet will not be assessed.
  21. Students will not be given extra-time for blackening the circles after the time for the MUCMET objective test is over and the ‘stop’ signal is given.
  22. Students need not bring calculators, mobile phones and electronic gadgets as they are not allowed to be used in the MUCMET exam.
  23. If any student is resorting to any unfair practice either during the written test or during subsequent selection procedure, then disciplinary action will be taken against him or her by the Competent Authority as per the disciplinary procedure laid down.

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