Everything You Need To Know About The 7 Deadly Sins


The seven deadly sins were a theme of the reality show called roadies on Mtv. Ever wondered from where the idea is taken. It is exactly something to do with the Christian ethics. It is the human tendency to sin and we all fall prey to sinning and going against god. The 7 most deadliest sins are wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony. These are the 7 most deadly sins caused by human beings and as per the church are very wrong to do so.

  1. Lust

The first thing that comes to your mind when someone uses the word lust is sex. Sex is considered morally wrong before marriage. While you lust for another person or develop a feeling of attraction and desiring to get physical with a person itself is a very big sin. In today’s world LUST is the only thing that exists. People claim to love you and fool you. A lot of teenagers are fooled by others and are told that they are in love which is not the case. Even adults are being fooled. It’s more about satisfying your sexual pleasures than just caring for a person or showing affection. We often don’t know the difference between lust and love we give in to our temptations and often land up in trouble.

Similarly we desire for food, money it is considered to be a sinful act. Lust is a sinful act because we give into to temptation and forget everything else. We even become animals not knowing what we are doing we have seen the Delhi rape case-NIRBHAYA- she was the victim of lust another case that happened at Mahalaxmi.




  1. Gluttony

Gluttony means eating a lot of food even if you are not hungry it means gulping down or swallowing fast every food that you see and you desire. It is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of any food. Gluttony is purely over consumption of food. Yes in the Catholic Church it is a sin. You tend to act greedy and you eat and eat more and more even though you know your tummy is full, but you cannot resist the temptation. Every sin is committed because we give into our temptation. It is good to eat but not good to over load of self. In today’s world it is important to keep yourself fit. Eating just the right amount will help. Eating a lot makes you fat does not mean all the fat people in the world are fat due to overloading or over indulgence of food.



  1. Greed

Greed is applied to material possessions.

We all some or the other time have been greedy. Greediness is a desire that occurs when your mind is not satisfied with what you get or rather with what you will get in future. Hence we behave greedy and ask for more. Many people have the habit or asking for more and more just because the opposite person doesn’t say no and keeps giving. Money is a necessity in today’s world but with more and more money we become more and more greedy. We want everything in the world more cars, bikes, new cellphones, new clothes and shoes etc. we lust for food too. Food is something that we love eating and we lust food everything that we see we want to have.



  1. Sloth

Sloth is the physical laziness, spiritual laziness that we face.

We all are lazy to do some or the other things, however laziness is considered a great sin according to the Christian faith. If a teacher acts lazy and doesn’t do her duty she fails to do her job and doesn’t live up to her responsibilities.  Failing to develop spiritually is also a key to becoming guilty of sloth. In the Christian faith, sloth rejects grace and God.

We fail to say our prayers and fulfil our spiritual duties. Keeping Sabbath is also a part of fulfilling your spiritual duties.




  1. Wrath also known as “rage”, it is an uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. Wrath may provoke a person to commit a crime. Feelings of anger can develop in different ways, including impatience, revenge, and self-destructive behavior, such as drug abuse or suicide. Anger is the most destructive weapon. Anger or wrath is a very destructive emotion. It a strong emotion that may cause such a lot of problems. Anger is a very strong emotion.


  1. Envy

It is a desire. Envy is similar to jealousy. Desiring someone else’s property and trying to cheat people because you re jealous is another form of deadly sin.

We often envy others. Jealousy is the main cause of misunderstanding in relationships. Jealousy leads to insecurity. Insecurity is another cause which leads to disrupting the peace of mind.  We often envy what others have and are never satisfied with what we have this is what happens when jealousy takes over and we are not happy with ourselves and the things we have and possess.



  1. Pride

It is the 7th and serious deadly sins. Pride is the feeling that we are better than the others. Some people even think they are God. It is when we do not acknowledge the accomplishments of others. Being proud about an achievement is a good thing but being so proud and living in that pride is only going to lead us to sin.

Pride is known as attitude in today’s world. A lot of teenagers think that it is really Kool to throw attitude. ATTITUDE is the new thing. When we walk with our head up high we will fall badly.


These are the 7 deadly sins each of us commit at least one of this or even all of this. It is human nature to sin. We all are the slaves of sin. We all give in to sin into temptation. It is but natural but we need to realize that it isn’t right to behave in such a manner. We need to confess our sins to the Lord.





By Carren Bryne

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