Everything You Need To Know About The “Forbidden Fruit”


God created the world the entire universe in 7 days. He created mankind. The 7th day he rested. He made the waters and the sea. The trees and living creatures. He said it was all good. When he created everything he made it all and said it was good. He wondered all this that he has created who shall take care of his creation. He made man then to take care of his creation. When the man all these beautiful things and creatures around him indeed he felt it was too good. Man started feeling lonely and wanted company. God made a woman that too out of the rib of a man. This woman was beautiful and was meant to be with this man. He named the man Adam and the girl Eve.

God gave them the whole Garden of Eden. He told them eat whatever you want from this garden. Everything is just for you. They were happy about it. But the lord also warned them about one tree that had red lovely fruits. He told them have whatever you want but don’t have the fruits of that tree. They were so happy everyday they ate fruits of different trees.

One day a serpent came to temp Adam and eve. Where there is god there is devil. The devil came in the form of the serpent and tempted eve. Eve tried to convince Adam but Adam was adamant on not being disobedient. Slowly as the eve being a female gave into to the temptation and took a bite at once she disobey the lord. She convinced Adam too to eat the fruit. He too gave into temptation. This wasn’t just a fruit it was a temptation in the form of a fruit. That very minute god called out to them and they see themselves naked and were ashamed. They realised they went against the will of god. And that marks the beginning of sin . . . that is the story of the forbidden fruit.

Man and women lived naked before eating the fruit but no of them realised it until they ate the forbidden fruit. In our lives today we have so many forbidden fruits. They are the temptations of life. One of the best forbidden fruit of life is virginity. Virginity shouldn’t be given beforehand or before marriage. It’s the greatest asset you will ever own. Virginity is the sign of being pure and untouched. Today’s world virginity has no meaning. Having sex before marriage is religiously not right. But in today’s world having sex before even acquiring its complete knowledge is wrong. We all give into temptations many of us don’t.

When you have your first night your virginity is the greatest gift you can ever offer to your husband and husband to their wives. It’s not only about the women being pure. It is even about the man being pure. Purity is not about the bodily indulgence it also is about the heart. How pure you are at heart. Wheatear you cheat or no your loyalty all matters.  The forbidden fruit is just about this. When you’re told to control and you don’t. You get tempted; if you give in to the temptation you fall into sin and do the same sin everything.

It is often said all forbidden things are prohibited. Forbidden tings are attractive. Indeed it is true. The human tendency is such that when you are told not to do a certain thing you do it all the more and you make sure that you do it. You do the things that are forbidden so that you see what really happens. Sometimes we even know the outcome still we keep doing the same thing. Just to experiment we happen to do such. Challenging the situation is what we see and what we want to see.

When our parents and elders tell us not to do a certain thing and we still challenge them and the situation is what is called going against us. We do not do it on purpose but it is the human tendency to do such stuffs. Often we tend to fall in love with people whom we don’t want to. Sometimes we already are in love with others but get inclined to someone else. This certain kind of attraction that makes us go crazy. The forbidden things in life attract us.

Falling for the next door hot neighbour. Who is married with two children is certainly a crime. When this hot neighbour gives you a look and your neighbours have warned you about her character. But you still can’t resist the temptation of getting close to her. She is the forbidden fruit. You friends and family warn you about her. The serpent tempts you and you slowly start spending time with her. You enjoy her company and get close to her. There is your 1st warning of the violation the rules of the forbidden fruit. You are in the ditch now you cannot you cannot control your feelings any more. The mind is already deviated. You go on further to get intimate with her losing all your control, you being a younger boy of 18 years of age and she a woman of 42. You fall as a prey to such a cougher woman. You both know it is sinful and not the right thing to do. Yet you decide you want to have the forbidden fruit. The fruit that you feel is the tastiest of all the fruits. The fruit of sin and the fruit of shamefulness. You have committed the crime of eating the forbidden fruit and as you fall into this deep ditch of temptation and sexual pleasure everything ends there. Your pure heart your innocence of being 18 years old. You now became a man who is like an animal ready to attack and eat. You did it with her you do it with other women too. One day when you come to your senses you realise how bad and dreadful it was. One day you wake up and realise it was all just a dream. You are saved from sin. Do not eat the forbidden fruit.


By Carren bryne.

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