Everything You Need To Know Before You Pick a Micromax Smartphone



Do you even need a smartphone or will a regular mobile phone do?

 If you hate feeling like you’re missing out on the latest tweets, updates from your friends, and news, then a smartphone will probably seem worth it to you. If your job requires you to be connected all the time, providing immediate responses to e-mails and questions, a smartphone makes sense. You may already have an MP3 player and GPS, but having all those features in one handy device can make life easier and less cluttered.

Smartphones aren’t cheap so taking the time to do a little research first and figuring out exactly what you need, want, and can do without, is worth it. We’ll show you how to narrow down your options about how to choose an android.


Today we bring you about things you need to consider before you pick up a Micromax smartphone:

Micromax is an Indian consumer electronics company headquartered in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. It is in the business of manufacturing of Mobile, Tablet, 3G Datacards .

Micromax is a top Indian smartphone brand occupying the 2nd position behind Samsung in India market, and with rapid growth is charging towards becoming the biggest brand

If you’re thinking of buying a smartphone but are put off by the cost, the good news is that MICROMAX is your solution.


Follow these tips and your next smartphone would truly be a smart pick:

1. Avoid old versions of Android

 It’s not likely you’ll find a cheap Android smartphone running the very latest version of the operating system. Avoid models that run anything older than Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich or 4.1 Jelly Bean, KitKat is the latest android to offer in smartphone leagues however few are available in India with Kitkat smartphones here.

Or you’ll run the risk of software updates being unavailable for your handset. Being stuck on an old version of Android also means you can’t enjoy the latest apps.

2. Screen  Size:

smartphones tend to have  screens  normally about 4 to 5 inches –with much lower resolutions than you find on more expensive models. A 320×480 screen resolution is common but won’t be brilliant for looking at photos, watching movies or playing games. Instead look for models that offer a more respectable 480×800.

3. Powerful Processor

Cheaper smartphones tend to have weak processors (1GHz single-core versions are common). These can make the phone sluggish, especially if you’re running several programs at the same time. Look for a phone with a dual-core processor to keep everything running smoothly.

4. Minimum 5Mp camera with flash

 A 5Mp camera is a good benchmark to aim for, and a LED flash is essential. While this won’t deliver the impressive picture quality offered by the cameras on more expensive smartphones, it’s perfectly fine for quick snaps or shots of friends and family.

5. HD video camera

Look for models which can shoot 720p HD video, rather than the more commonly supported VGA resolution, as picture quality will usually be far superior. Cheap smartphones typically lack front-facing cameras, so if you want to make video calls be sure to opt for a model that includes one.

The above features listed down are typical Micromax. The features micromax offers are value for money. Ie more features at half the price. Micromax is designed to those out there who does not wish to spend a bomb on a phone yet want to be counted in smart groups.

– Amey Khedekar

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