Everything You Needed To Know About Distance Learning!


Distance learning is a mode of education in which the teacher and student are separated in time and place. The concept of distance learning has been around for ages in the history of mankind, albeit the use of the latest technology in the modern era has added fuel to the fire and given distance learning a boost.


Distance learning uses various means and methods to transmit course material and education to students, who could be distributed throughout various parts of the world. It is said that distance learning seeks to deliver the same traditional classroom experience to students sitting in their living rooms through non-classroom means.

Today, distance learning uses various means like regular mail, high-tech tools like the internet and audio-video conferencing to help teachers correspond with students, and vice versa. A host of synchronous and asynchronous tools are available for individuals who are involved in distance learning.

What are the Choices Available?

Distance learning courses are ideal for people who do not have the time or the means to pursue a full time college curriculum, but have the drive to study further. Distance learning includes undergraduate degrees, professional diplomas and Post Graduate Certificate courses for people willing to learn. From courses in liberal arts, humanities and social work, the gamut of distance learning encompasses courses in business management, technology, public health, law, medicine and accounting as well. To put it in a nutshell, distance learning has something to offer everyone, provided you have the inclination to learn.

The widespread use of computers and the internet have made distance learning easier and faster.

Its popularity and use has grown exponentially as more advanced technology has become available.



Distance Learning – Its Advantages and Disadvantages :


It expand access to education for both non-working and working professionals. It includes obstacles such as domestic distractions and unreliable technology, as well as students’ program costs, adequate contact with teachers and support services, and a need for more experience.
It has flexible scheduling structure which lessens the effects of the many time-constraints imposed by personal responsibilities and commitments. Students must be provided with training on each tool that is used throughout the program.
Act as a catalyst for institutional innovation and are at least as effective as face-to-face learning programs, especially if the instructor is knowledgeable and skilled. The lack of advanced technology skills can lead to an unsuccessful experience.
It has been a more cost-effective form of learning, and can save students a significant amount of money as opposed to traditional education. Placement is not provided.
It also helps to save students a considerable amount financially by removing the cost of transportation. Lack of social interaction.
Saves students from the economic burden of high-priced course textbooks. A theoretical problem about the application of traditional teaching methods to online courses because online courses have no limit.


In A Nutshell,

Distance e-Learning combines the strengths and advantages of Distance Education and e-Learning.


Distance e-Learning has its roots on computer conferencing. It encourages collaboration in an interactive learning environment. Distance e-Learning is also different from e-Learning.

Distance Education providers began to introduce various strategies, techniques, and procedures to increase the amount of interaction between learner and teacher. Service providers began to use e-Learning, the generic term for all technologically supported learning, to deliver online courses or tutorial services. These measures e.g. more frequent face-to-face tutorials, increased use of Information and Communication Technologies including teleconferencing and the Internet, were designed to close the gap in transaction distance.

– Hinal Shah


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