Everything You Needed To Know About SEBI



Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) was first established in the year 1988 as a non-statutory body for regulating the securities market. It became an autonomous body in April 12, 1992 and more powers were given through an ordinance. Since then it regulates the market through its independent powers.

Objectives of SEBI:

As an important entity in the market it works with following objectives:

1.        It tries to develop the securities market.

2.        Promotes Investors Interest.

3.        Makes rules and regulations for the securities market.

Functions Of SEBI:

Find below SEBI’s important functions:

1.        Regulates Capital Market

2.        Checks Trading of securities.

3.        Checks the malpractices in securities market.

4.        It enhances investor’s knowledge on market by providing education.

5.        It regulates the stockbrokers and sub-brokers.

6.        To promote Research and Investigation.

SEBI In India’s Capital Market:

SEBI from time to time have adopted many rules and regulations for enhancing the Indian capital market. The recent initiatives undertaken are as follows:

Under this rule every brokers and sub brokers have to get registration with SEBI and any stock exchange in India.

For Underwriters:

For working as an underwriter an asset limit of 20 lakhs has been fixed.

For Share Prices:

According to this law all Indian companies are free to determine their respective share prices and premiums on the share prices.

For Mutual Funds:

SEBI’s introduction of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulation in 1993 is to have direct control on all mutual funds of both public and private sector.

– Pratiksha Trivedi

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