Everything You Ought To Know About Kidambi Srikanth


Srikanth Kidambi, is an Indian badminton player and currently the highest ranked Indian men’s player in the international circuit with a world ranking of 4. He is the first Indian to win a Super Series Premier Men’s Title after beating Lin Dan.


  • Srikanth in his initial days was not doing anything productive, so his father decided to get him trained under Gopichand of Pullela Gopichand Academy. That move changed his life forever.
  • In 2012, Srikanth was ranked 240 in the world, but in May 2013 he jumped to 13th and was the top ranked Indian that time.
  • Srikanth found monetary support as well as access to various aspects of the game courtesy of Go Sports Foundation in 2012. This proved pivotal for Srikanth who had a brilliant 2013 and he became one of countries topmost players.
  • In 2012 Srikanth overcame the then Junior World Champion Zulfadli Zulkiffli of Malaysia in the Maldives International Challenge to claim the Men’s singles title.
  • Born on 7 February 1993, Srikanth Nammalwar Kidambi belongs to a Brahmin family. His father is a farmer and mother a house wife. His brother is also a badminton player.

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