Examination – Cool Practice



Examination is part of education system. Hence nothing to worry. Regular studies from the prescribed sources – reference books – of the University will enable any learner to score the highest. The best practice is to sit with Syllabus copy in the hand and making one’s own notes. This enables the learner to remember the content of the topic distinctly.


  1. My teachers have taught me speed reading, keeps the concentration intact. How does one go about it? Very simple:
  • Turn stop watch on while reading, wandering mind will start focusing.
  • Set time, ONE minute per page.
  • After reading particular page, jot down the key words. This should not take more than a minute.
  • Compare it with the printed content of the book.
  • If missing on something, rewrite points. Yes, initially it takes a long time, but, not more than 30 minutes. Once you are used to this method, it is very fast.
  • Check it out for yourself now.
  1. Another very important tip given by my father, my role model, never read anything new before examination. This confuses the mind. He would never permit me to touch the book two days prior to examination. He would give all kinds of fictions to read. He will take me to cinema theatres to watch movies. I used to get irritated of him. I used to throw tantrums at him. Now, I realise that is the best practice he had instilled in me. Students, believe me, in the cinema theatre, when I wake up in the morning, anywhere, anytime, he used to test my knowledge on a particular topic. I always wonder how he kept track of what I had to learn. This tuned my mind in revising the already learnt concepts in mind without even being aware of it.
  1. Very important thing that I learnt from my career is “Group Studies”. The syllabus suggests several units and these are divided into chapters, each chapter consists of various topics. For instance, form a group of FOUR, if FOUR units are there. Assign topics to each member in the group. On preparation of the notes, ask the member to explain. Even if one concept is forgotten during the examination, the mind tends to recall the day of the discussion. Forgotten point is recalled, what else can be best! FRIENDS ARE THE BEST SOURCES!


  • Carry what is necessary, transparent pouch consisting of black pen – two in number, blue pen – two in number, pencil, eraser, metre scale, simple calculator.
  • The front page of the answer sheet has to be filled only with BLACK BALL POINT PEN.
  • Count the number of boxes before filling the seat numbers. For e.g. Tom’s seat number is 324567, the number of boxes provided are seven, then start with ZERO or at the last box put “X”.
  • Without fail, mark Q. P. Code number at three places. (Question Paper code number)


Academic misconduct in examination may include (not strictly restricted to the following)

  • Taking communication equipment into the examination room.
  • Taking information, notes of any format, including electronic storage device, writing on body parts etc.
  • Providing staff with incorrect or misleading information.
  • Removal of examination script or examination stationery from the examination hall.
  • Punishment varies, depending on the severity of the case.

BETTER AVOID (not restricted only to the following)

  • Mobiles or keep it in “Switch of Mode”.
  • Writing formulae on hall-tickets.
  • Arguing with the block supervisor.
  • Scientific Calculators.



You must care with your heart,

Add mind to be smart,

Then commit the whole you to be brave.

Think positive, revise carefully, use wisdom,

If your direction is pretty good,

Then success is always yours!

And although you are warm, loving and intelligent

And you see the picture clear,

Things won’t really get to moving

Until you contradict your habit or fear.

You must care with your heart,

Add mind to be smart,

Build confidence in yourself,

Then examinations are cool!

Wishing you all,




Ms. Radha Iyer,

B.M.S Coordinator,

J. M. Patel College of Commerce,

Off M. G. Road, Unnat Nagar,

Goregaon (W),

Mumbai – 400 090

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Radha Iyer

Ms. Radha Iyer is the B.M.S Coordinator of J. M. Patel College of Commerce, which is located Off M. G. Road, Unnat Nagar, Goregaon (W), Mumbai – 400 090


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