Examination will be held as per Semester System prescribed by Mumbai University, i.e. at the end of every Semester the examination will be held for the specified subjects.

Examination procedure and standards prescribed for passing for B.M.S.
A student shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate for each theory paper (where the theory paper consists of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination) with minimum of 40% marks (i.e. 16 out of 40) in the Internal Assessment and 40% marks in Semester end examination (i.e. 24 out of 60) separately to pass the subject and minimum of grade C in each project wherever applicable to pass a particular semester.
The PERFORMANCE GRADING of the student shall be on the SEVEN point ranking system as under :
Class Division Marks Grade
I-I 65 or O
I-II 60-65 A
II-I 55-60 B
II-II 50-55 C
II-III 45-50 D
III 40-45 E
Fail Less than F
The performance grading shall be based on the aggregate performance of Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination.


a. A student who PASSES in the Internal Examination but FAILS in the Semester End Examination of the theory paper shall reappear for that theory paper. However his/her marks of the Internal Examinations shall be carried over but he/she shall be entitled for grade “E” on passing.
b. A student who PASSES in the Semester End Examination but FAILS in the Internal Examination of the theory paper shall reappear for the Internal Examination of that theory paper. However his/her marks of the Semester End Examination shall be carried over but he/she shall be entitled for grade “E” on passing.
The Internal Examination for reappearing students will consist of one project of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the hard copy of the project, 10 marks for the presentation and 10 marks for the viva.

a. A student shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of number of heads of failure in the Semester I.
b. A student shall be allowed to keep term for Semester III if he/she passes each of Semester I and Semester II.
A student fails in not more than two papers of Semester I and Semester II taken together where the total marks does not exceed 200.
c. A student shall be allowed to keep term for Semester IV irrespective of number of heads of failure in Semester III. However the student has to pass each of Semester I and Semester II in order to appear for Semester IV.
d. A student shall be allowed to keep term for Semester V if he/she passes Semester I, Semester II, Semester III and Semester IV.
A student shall pass Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than two theory papers of Semester III and Semester IV taken together where the total marks does not exceed 200.
e. A student shall be allowed to keep term for Semester VI irrespective of number of heads of failure in the Semester V.
f. The result of Semester VI shall be kept in abeyance until the student passes each of Semester I, Semester II, Semester III, Semester IV and Semester V.

There will be one additional examination for semester I, II, III and IV for those who have failed or remained absent. The absent student will be allowed to appear for the examination by the head of the institution/after following the necessary formalities of medical/special ground. This examination will be held 30 days the declaration of results but not later than 60 days.

a. A student who PASSES IN ALL THE THEORY PAPERS BUT DOES NOT secure minimum grade of C in project as applicable has to resubmit a fresh project till he/she secures a minimum of grade C. His/her marks in the theory papers that the student has passed will be carried forward but he/she shall be entitled for grade “E” on passing.
b. The evaluation of project and viva-voce examination shall be by awarding grade in the seven point scale as given in (I) above.
c. A student shall have to obtain minimum of grade C (or its equivalent marks) in project evaluation and viva/voce taken together to obtain 40% marks in project work.

Industrial visits are not compulsory and the college should not charge fees prescribed for industrial visits if the Industrial visits are not organized.

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  1. Hello sir,
    I have got 2 kt in first sem and if I fail in these kt exms and if I also get kt in sem 2 exms. So wil I be able to go in 3rd sem?
    And how much kt wil I be able to take to the 3rd sem.
    I have heard tht v can take 4 kt. And can be promoted to 3rd sem.
    please rply sir.
    waiting for ur rply.

  2. I gt kt in FM but now after atkt exam I am shure I will gt good marks expecting more then 45 , why should I gt E grade, I should be given marks as per my efforts in Atkt exam

  3. I have completed my fy and sy,in tybms if I get kt in internal exams,there will be additional exam or I will have to appear next year.tell me the procedure of kt system in tybms.i am planning for MBA next year.

  4. I have completed my fy and sy,in tybms if I get kt in internal exams,there will be additional exam or I will have to appear next year.tell me the procedure of kt system in tybms.i am planning for MBA next year so brief me with the procedure.

  5. Hello sir/mam i hav completed mah BMS graduation but still i hav 2nd sem kt so can i get 6th sem result and degree?? Ur comment will b apreciable thank u

  6. sir,,i have atkt in sem 1 and semi 4 and i have been absent in sem 3 internal so can now i get admission in ty banking and insurance

  7. I have cleared all my exam including internals and externals till 4th semester except for in 4th semester i have failed to submit my project and i have been marked absent but i do have valid reason with a source of document to prove it so am I eligible to give my projects now as my whole year will be wasted just because of my internals please reply as soon as possible
    Thanking you.

  8. We the parents of student would like to bring to your notice
    The mark for student of TYBMS COURSE VI TERM 2015 – 16
    K J Somaiya college of science and commerce Ghatkopar Mumbai and is declared Unsuccessful.
    We would like to mention she has secured ‘O’ grace in 6 subjects and ‘A’ grade in 1 subject in ‘V’ Semester with Attendance record of about 90% and submission of all projects on or before time as per college norms.

    TYBMS COURSE VI TERM 2015 – 16
    Opera Inter Inter Entre India Retai Inves Total
    INT 11 F 25 22 21 25 27 20 151
    EXT 28 24 33 38 33 38 22F 216
    TOT 39 F 49 55 59 58 65 42 367

    TYBMS COURSE V TERM 2015 – 16

    BE LS HR SM FM SSM Pr Total
    INT 23 29 30 27 33 ** 27 169
    EXT 45 44 40 42 43 40 71 325
    TOT 68 @2 73 70 69 @1 76 67 71 494 @

    She has never ever failed in any subject in any class from nursery till V sem of TYBMS.

    What is the next step regards to this result.

    1. You should contact Kalina Office of Mumbai University or get guidance from your college BMS head of department to get more clarity on this and further course of action.

  9. hello sir
    i have 3 sub atkt but i mistaken take i got 4 sub atkt i had fulfill the form of atkt of 4 sub if i don’t attain the 4 atkt exam what would my result will come it will come absent or the marks i have scored that will come to my result plz repaly me as soon as possible

  10. Hiee m bmm student my ol sem is clear I got KT in FM in internals and my question is if I’ll get 3 kts in internals of sem6 I’ll get drop in ty please do reply me ASAP

  11. Hello, I have completed my BMS in 2019 with 53% aggregate. Can I apply for improvement Exam so that I can I improve my scores and it will help me in further studies and if yes what will be the process. Please help!! Thankyou

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