Examples of Social Responsibility activities


Examples of Social Responsibility activities:


(1) BHEL has contributed to the development of the quality of life in rural areas, health care, family welfare and adult education.

(2) SAIL contributes to the sectors like agriculture, industry, education, health care, dairy, poultry, fisheries and drinking water supply.

(3) TISCO has been a pioneer in discharging social responsibility. It is making substantial contribution in areas such as community development, social welfare, tribal area development and rural industrialization.

At present TISCO’s community development programme covers 3,00,000 people and Tata Steel spends more than Rs. 4 crore a year on this programme. Nearly 20 companies of Tata group collectively spend more than Rs. 10 to 12 crore on social welfare community programme.

(4) Bharat Petroleum and ONGC are leading public sector enterprises participating in community welfare, education, health, family welfare and similar activities.

(5) The Finolex Industries Ltd., Pune started the Hope Foundation in 1979 for the detection and treatment of cancer.

(6) In the India Economic Summit organized jointly by CII and the World Economic Forum on 26th November, 2000, CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) vice-president Mr. Sanjeev Goenka announced that CII’s 4,000 members and 300 foreign companies participating in the annual meeting will take charge of at least one primary school and one health care centre to supplement the government’s efforts in the social sector.


(7) In January 2001, Gujarat State (particularly Kutch area) suffered enormous loss of human life and property due to severe earthquake. Business enterprises readily and quickly offered financial and humanitarian assistance to people affected by earthquake. Contributions were made to relief funds, villages were adopted, school buildings and residential houses were constructed and medical aid was offered by businessmen and business enterprises.

(8) In November 2002, MICROSOFT Chairman Bill Gates ann9unced to give India a generous donation of $ 120 million for AIDS prevention. This donation will be by $ 24 billion Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This amount is almost equal to what the U.S. government has pledged to provide to India to fight the AIDS. This private philanthropy is certainly unprecedented. Gates generosity will hopefully spur Indian businessmen to awaken to their social responsibility. Let us acknowledge that Gates has created a new window for AIDS and we must avail of it.

(9) During recent earthquake in J&K (Oct. 2005) INDIAN AIRLINES has carried over 111 tonnes of relief material, free of cost, from different parts of the country to Srinagar to help the earthquake-affected people. it has supplied materials such as tents, blankets, packed food, etc. to the affected people.

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