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Exam SMS Exam SMS 1

Exam SMS

1.I thought i m in love,

My nites going sleeples
My days going useles
So i askd GOD
Is dis LOVE?
God replied
No Dear
Sylabus zyada hai or tujhe kuch nhi ata hai

2.I wäs shockd Ystrday,in my room all my books wr singing a song.
Guess which song?
O Zra zra Touch Me Touch Me Touch Me

3.The funniest situation in student life

when we have no idea what to write
in the exam paper n the supervisor comes
says, “please cover your answer sheet”

4.Examiner:y r u under tension?
Did u forget admit card,ID,or calculator?
studnt:No Sir!
By mistake i have brought tomorrow
exam’s cheating material today.

5.If u cry on seeing d question paper it is an insult.

If ur teacher cries on seeing ur answer paper,
it is ur achievement…

HAPPY EXams Days.

6.1000 pages ki book kitne din me padhi ja sakti h,
WRITER- 6 months
DOCTOR- 2 months
LAWYER- 1 month
Engg. student-ye batao exam kab hai..raat bhar mai nipta denge

7.hum jeete ik bar hain
marte ik bar hain
pyar v ik bar karte hain
shaadi v ik bar karte hain
ti fir ye EXAMS bar bar Q?
jago student jago!!!!

8.A Friend Is One Who Advise You To Study Well !
A Best Friend Is One Who Stands In Examination Hall n Says:
“Abey Kitna Likhega?
Ladkiyaan Ja Rahi Hai”

9.” Success is not climbing up the
ladder bt its lyk climbing on a
pyramid Bcoz as u go
higher, lesser is the space &
better is the

10.Side effects of Exams:
A guy went to a restaurant. He wanted to order food but he forgot what a ‘Menu’ is called.
So he asked the waiter, “Syllabus Lana, Zarra!”


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