Exams Time Management


Time Management

Time management is one thing which is very important during the exams papers. Most of the students tell that they were not able to complete their papers but according to me if we allot time to the topic in the paper according to the marks and importance and the amount matter to be written in it.

These below mentioned is the method that I followed in my exam but students can mold them according to their convinces and need:

1. For Section I (ONE HOUR)

Concept Questions:

Marks allotted 15 marks

Time allotment according to me is 15 mins ( 5 ques and 3 mins to each)

Length is half a page.

Case study:

Marks allotted is 15 marks

Time allotment according to me is 45 mins ( 3/4 ques and 15/12 mins to each accordingly)

Length minimum 1.5 page and maximum 2.5 page.

2. For Section II (50 / 45 MINS)

· 10 marks answers (total 3 question or 2 if you attempt short notes)

Marks allotted 10 marks

Time allotment according to me is 15 mins (one ques 15 mins)

Length is 3 to 3.5 a page.

Short notes

Marks allotted 10 marks ( 2 ques 5 marks each)

Time allotment according to me is 20 mins (2 ques and 10 mins to each)

Length is 1 to 1.5 page.

Now calculation of time:

If you attempt short note

Section I 1hr + Section II 50 mins = 10 mins left for checking

If you attempt all three 10 marks Questions in Section II

Section I 1hr + Section II 45 mins = 15 mins left for checking.

This is my way of answer the paper according to time and marks.

Please take this as advise/ recommendation and not as a guideline to write paper. I just want to Help all my BMS friends but also take care all have their unique style to write exam and we all have to just improve it for betterment.

Alisha Savla

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