Exclusive Hairdo Tips For The Festive Season!


aishwarya hair styles

Long hair is always in fashion and will never go out of the style and every girl wants to make styles with long hair.

Top knot hair style, the hair caught at the back of the head and ponytail made at the back of the head look sassy.

top knot

Front hair folded on the one side. The pony tail should then be folded at the back and hairpins used to catch the hairs in the form of a ball. Baby pins are used to tight the hairs. A little part of the hair bent on the other side of the previous pony tail. Make a braid of the hair on one side of the head. Then Wrap the braid around the base of your bun and use U- shaped bobby pins. To make the hairstyle look perfect use Hairspray or hair gel.

Another hairstyle that is very common in this year and especially for 2014 is side braid.

side braid

 It is very easy and simple and gives stylish look to you. In this style, you should first straighten your hair. Then put all the hair on one side of the head, and make the braids on the top of the nape at distance of 3 inches from one braid to the other. Hair should be only on one side only and hairpins used to bind the hairs in final touch. On the other side of the head, you can put some free hairs to give a beautiful look.

Another hairstyle that girls can adopt at an event as well as casual hairstyles, this is a twist style of hair.

twisted hair

It looks rough but stylish also. In this style twist your hair and put the hair at the back of the neck. Thin pieces of the hair twisted and folded into one another to give a stylish look.

You can also try the  side pony tail. First, straighten your hair and then make a pony tail on the side of your head near your ear.

side pony

These are some kickass hair – styles you can try!


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Riya Lokhande


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