5 Exercises to Achieve an Athletic Physique


ronaldo build

Different sportsmen have different build, different physique which is usually suited to the sports they play like you will find a runner having that low fat body with long legs, while a wrestler will mostly have a more muscular body, a basketball player is tall but usually a sport person should have that fit body through which he can use his body for the sport he plays. Here are 5 exercises which help to achieve a athletic sportsmen type physique.

Skip Jump

 This is one of the best ways to reduce calories and have a great cardio workout without spening thousands on gym. It helps alot to have a great body and almost every sportsmen work it out.

jump rope


Squats are really useful for the lower body. It helps in building the legs, thigh muscles. Lower Body exercise is also important just like upper body exercise so have those beautiful legs.



It helps increase stamina, power, speed which is really important for sportsmen. It helps keep body fit and burn a lot of calories to kill your fat. so wear your shoes and go running.



Bench press works the chest, biceps, triceps, abs, shoulders, arms and almost every upper body parts. Bench Press is important for upper body development.

 bench pressing


Just like Squats, lunges help legs a lot, they are essential for building the leg muscles and it keeps a more detailed development of legs. It is a great way to work out leg muscles.


So Just Work Out and make sure you do it the right way and don’t injure yourself, also don’t overdo anything and be happy with what physique you have, consulting a professional would be better.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.


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