Explain Benjamin Lahey’s Nine major psychological findings that describe the nature of human beings


In the course of its hundred year history, psychology has made many interesting discoveries about the true nature of human beings Benjamin Lahey has listed nine major psychological findings that best describe the nature of human beings:

1.      Human beings are biological creatures: Our biological systems greatly influence our behavior. For example, motives such as hunger and thirst are predominantly under the control of our body systems. Even our experience of emotions is greatly influenced by the way our nervous system is constructed.

Our biological system puts limits on what we can do and cannot do. Human beings, however, have stretched these limits and developed means to overcome these limitations. For example, we have built air lanes to fly although physically it is impossible for us to do so.

2.      Every person is different yet much the same: Every human being is unique and different from the other. These differences are as much due to hereditary factors as due to environmental ones. Even members of the same family differ in their heredity except in the case of identical twins.

Despite these differences, human beings share a lot of similarities. This is especially true with regard to our capacities to think, feel, remember and so on.

3.      People can be understood fully only in the context of their culture, ethnic identity and gender identity: No understanding of a person would be complete without an understanding of the socio cultural background of the person. Our beliefs, attitudes and behavior are shaped by the culture and ethnic group to which we belong. Our behavior is influenced by awareness of the gender to which we belong.

4.      Human lives are in a continuous process of change: Change is an inevitable part of all human lives. Human beings change continuously from the time they are born till they die. Much of the developmental changes are due to our biological nature such as the process by which all human beings grow from infancy to old age. However our experiences in life too contribute significantly towards change.

5.      Behavior is motivated: Human behavior is not like a directionless empty boat in an ocean. Most of our actions are intentional and purposeful. For example, we work to earn money for food, clothing, shelter, we seek the corn any of the company of the opposite sex to satisfy our sexual needs and so on. The motives behind our actions may vary from culture to culture and from person to person.

6.      Behavior has multiple causes: There are multiple causes of human behavior. A particular behavior may be due to many factors all influencing at the same time. The causes of the same behavior may change from person to person and for the same person from time to time. It is these multiple causes of human behavior that makes psychology such a challenging and interesting field.

7.      Humans are social animals: Human beings are not lonely creatures living in isolation. They live in social groups — in the company of others. The achievements of mankind have been possible because people work in groups for the mutual benefit of all.

8.      People play an active role in creating their experiences: Human beings are active participants in determining the direction of their lives. They seek situations that will give them the kind of experiences they desire. For example, a person who likes meeting new people will frequently go to parties and clubs.

9.      Behavior can be adaptive or maladaptive: Human beings have a natural ability to change and adapt to the challenges that nature and life spring up. We are flexible creatures who discover ways and means of adjusting to the demands of the situation. We are able to take the ups and downs of life in our stride.

Sometimes however, our behaviour can be maladaptive. Excessive aggression is a typical example of maladaptive behavior. We act in ways that are harmful to others and us, Such behavior is usually due to a combination of biological and environmental factors. They can however, be corrected.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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