Explain Classification Of E-Commerce


Explain Classification Of E-Commerce.


A common classification of E-Commerce is by the nature of transactions. There are six types of E-Commerce:

1.  BUSINESS – TO – BUSINESS (B2B): It includes the IOS transactions and electronic market transactions between organizations.

•      IOS Transactions means Inter Organizational Information Systems refers to flow of standard transactions information between business partners, such as placing orders, building or paying.


2. BUSINESS    TO    CUSTOMERS    (B2C):    These   are    retailing   transactions   with individual shoppers.


3. CUSTOMER  TO  CUSTOMER  :         In  this  transaction  customer  sells  directly  to customers example : selling residential properties, cars, etc.,


4. NON BUSINESS E-COMMERCE: An increased no. of non-business institutions such as  academic   institutions,  not  for  profit  institutions  religious,  organizations,  social organizational activities.


5. CUSTOMER  TO  BUSINESS  (C2B):  This  category  includes  individuals  who  sell products are services to organizations.


6. .INTRA    BUSINESS     E-COMMERCE:    In    this    category   includes    all    internal organizational  activities,  usually  preformed  on  intranets,  that  involves  exchange  of goods, services are information.

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