Explain Container Corporation of India


Explain Container Corporation of India :

Ans.    Container Corporation of India Ltd. (CONCOR) was set up under the Companies Act in the year 1988 with the takeover of 7 ICDs supplied by the Indian Railways.

It is now regarded as the leader in the market with the largest network of ICDs tallying upto 57 in India. It provides inland transportation for the containers by the railways and manages ports and air-cargo complexes.

The Container Corporation of India has developed the multi-modal logistic support for the trade and containerization both, for domestic and global usage. The company promotes containerization in India with the help of railway wagon fleet, uses information technology, and follows consumer friendly trade practices. The railways are the major transportation facility for the containers but roads also serve to some extent in catering to the need of transportation.

With the globalization transforming the sector of transport, international boundaries are fast shrinking. The containerization and inter-modalism are the by-products of this era of the globalization.

Functions of the Container Corporation of India:

  • To provide cost effective, reliable, responsive, efficient logistics solutions to the consumers
  • To be the first choice among the customers
  • To be result oriented organization

Objectives of the Container Corporation of India Ltd. (CONCOR):

  • To be result oriented, driven by performance. customer focused
  • To provide the consumers with the value of their money
  • The productive utilization of resources to be maximized
  • To provide very high services to the consumers
  • To be the benchmark in the standards of the service provided
  • To monitor and seek for better opportunities in providing services that are innovative
  • To set targets to support the mission and the objectives of the company
  • To work as a dedicated team to reach the highest level of excellence
  • To follow the values and ethics of the industry
  • To provide all round development for the country

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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