Explain Dedicated Freight corridor.
Ans. A network of more than 40 terminals, offering scheduled and on demand rapid rail and road services between the hinterland and ports, and between major metros.
The Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India is a corporation run by the ‘Government of India to undertake planning & development, mobilisation of financial resources and construction, maintenanc6 and operation of the Dedicated Freight Corridors. DFCC has been registered as a company under the Companies Act 1956 on 30th October 2006.
The plan to construct dedicated freight corridors across the country marks a strategic inflexion point in the history of Indian Railways that has essentially run mixed traffic across its network. Once completed, the dedicated freight corridors will enable Indian Railways to improve its customer orientation and meet market needs more effectively. Creation of rail infrastructure on such a scale – unprecedented in independent India – is also expected to drive the establishment of industrial corridors and logistic parks along its alignment.
The Indian Railways’ quadrilateral linking the four metropolitan cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata, commonly known as the Golden Quadrilateral; and its two diagonals (Delhi-Chennai and Mumbai-Howrah), adding up to a total route length of 10,1221-cm carries more than 55% of revenue earning freight traffic of Indian Railways.
The existing trunk routes of Howrah-Delhi on the Eastern Corridor and Mumbai-Delhi on the Western Corridor are highly saturated, line capacity utilization varying between 115% to 150%.{citation needed} The surging power needs requiring heavy coal movement, booming infrastructure construction and growing international trade has led to the conception of the Dedicated Freight Corridors along the Eastern and Western Routes.